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5 Keys to Automating Configuration Management for Application Infrastructure[article]

One of the trends being discussed in business, among vendors and in the analyst community is the importance of automating the functions performed by IT. Growing demands by the business, tight budgets and compliance pressures together accentuate the need for IT to be more agile, efficient and responsive to business stakeholders.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
A Critical Line of Defense[magazine]

Tackle software vulnerabilities at the root—in the applications themselves.

Herbert H. Thompson
Introduction to Subversion[article]

This is the first of a four part series on Subversion (SVN for short). It covers Subversion history and basic overview of most important SVN features. (Part 2 will cover Subversion installation and look at the most popular clients. Part 3 will give you the guided tour of the most frequent Subversion use cases. Finally, Part 4 and will give some hints for the process of migration from other RCSs to Subversion.)

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Software Configuration Management - Embracing the principles of 5S[article]

Configuration Management always remains as one of the key contributing factors for a successful project execution. Software Quality guru, Watts Humphrey in “Managing the Software Process” states - “The most frustrating software problems are often caused by poor configuration management .” It therefore becomes inevitable for organizations to establish and maintain good configuration management practices.

Balaji OS's picture Balaji OS
Assessing CM in the Development Process[article]

Is configuration management (CM) integrated into your development process? Do you have a good way to assess this? Do you have a process to improve the situation? Development without CM will eventually lead to lost code, delays in release schedules, and regression in functionality (amongst other negative impacts). The purpose of this article is to lay out a set of steps that can help assess the level of CM in the current development process (and environment), then identify ways to improve the situation.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Done and DONE-done[article]

As a professional project manager and amateur magician, Payson Hall assures us that effective project management isn't magic. A magician should never reveal how a magical effect is accomplished, but good managers do share the rationale behind their actions to help others become more self-sufficient. Demystifying effective management actions improves our ability to get results, allowing us to move on to new and different challenges. In this column, Payson explains the strongest management "trick" in his repertoire--the pursuit of unambiguous completion criteria. He also tells us that perfecting this trick takes a lot of practice, but it can serve us immediately and throughout our careers.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Creating Compelling Checklists[article]

This article discusses practical and proven ideas on how testers can make their own checklists. It evolved partly as a response to many queries regarding testing checklists on this website’s Discussion Boards. The idea of this article is to guide testers to make their own checklists.

Yogita Sahoo's picture Yogita Sahoo
Using Mocks to Verify Interactions[article]

In the March 2006 issue of Better Software magazine, Dan North began a discussion of the evolution of behavior-driven development from test-driven development. Here, North continues the conversation with closer look at "mocks," utility classes that, for testing purposes, pretend to be some component or service with which your object will interact.

Dan North's picture Dan North
A Look at Administrator's Pak by Winternals[magazine]

Find out more about this suite of utilities that allows testers to repair locked-out systems, restore lost data, remove malware, and much more.

Marnie Hutcheson
Working with Dull Knives[magazine]

Why "sharp" tools are needed in almost every organization.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
A Look at Employment Trends in 2005[magazine]

Better Software magazine and offer up readers' responses to our annual salary survey.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
Say It . . . Don't Stew In It[magazine]

Managers aren't mind readers. Translate vague grievances into concrete recommendations for generating change in your workplace.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Support for Testing, Testing for Support[magazine]

Where supportability and testability fit in the Quality Criteria dimension of the Heuristic Test Strategy Model.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
Put a Tough Decision in Its Place[magazine]

Tell your manager where to go--for a decision, of course.

Mike Cohn's picture Mike Cohn
Are We There Yet?[magazine]

Create project dashboards to display project progress and drive your team to success.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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