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Testing Web Services Security[presentation]

Many organizations are beginning to deploy Web services as the preferred way to interact electronically with employees, customers, and trading partners.

Jack Quinnell, Kenai Systems
STARWEST 2004: Testing Dialogues - Management Issues[presentation]

Many organizations are beginning to deploy Web services as the preferred way to interact electronically with employees, customers, and trading partners.

Facilitated by Esther Derby and Elisabeth Hendrickson
Testing with the Open Source DBUnit Framework[presentation]

Many enterprise applications are tightly coupled to a database. Consequently testing application code that depends on a database is challenging because the act of testing changes the database, often making retesting a problem.

Andrew Glover, Vanward Technologies
Testing Windows Registry Entries[presentation]

Warning: Registry keys may be hazardous to your program's health! Registry key entries in Windows applications-visible or hidden-are often neglected by testers.

Michael Stahl, Intel Corporation
Performance Testing Early in Development Iterations[presentation]

When the software architecture is emerging and many features are not yet ready, performance testing is a challenge. However, waiting until the software is almost finished is too risky. What to do?

Neill McCarthy, BJSS
Security Nirvana - Combining Source Code Scanning and Penetration Testing[presentation]

Penetrate and Patch. That's the unspoken model that many software development teams have been following for the past several years: build it, and when a security problem is found, then scurry around to patch it.

Ady Kakrania, Security Innovation LLC
Deploy a Peerless Peer Review Process[presentation]

Peer review programs are like parachutes-proper deployment is essential; otherwise, they inevitably will crash. When effectively implemented, peer reviews have a significant return on investment and result in greater product reliability.

Lee Sheiner, Georgia Tech Research Institute
STARWEST 2005: Testing Dialogues - Management Issues[presentation]

As a test manager, are you struggling at work with a BIG test management issue or a personnel issue? If so, this session is for you.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
Intelligence Testing: Techniques for Validating a Data Warehouse System[presentation]

Many organizations have implemented information repositories-single-source data warehouses-to capture and provide key business intelligence information.

Geoff Horne, iSQA
A Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Test Process Improvement Go Down[presentation]

Test process improvement is the medicine many software organizations need to heal wounds caused by today's fast-paced software development lifecycles.

Dion Johnson, DiJohn IC, Inc
Bugs Shipped: Agile Versus eXtreme[presentation]

Traditionally, acceptance testing is an end-of-development, final-stage test activity, often done ad-hoc by users.

Marnie Hutcheson, Ideva
The Value-added Manager: Five Pragmatic Practices[presentation]

What do great managers do that others don't? Great managers focus their efforts, increase their productivity, and develop their people.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
Going Wireless - Test Strategies for Mobile Applications[presentation]

Testers face unique challenges with mobile applications. Not only do the testers have to test the software for functional and performance correctness, they have to consider compatibility with innumerable combinations of devices and networks.

Manish Mathuria, InfoStretch Corporation
STARWEST 2005: Testing Outside the Bachs: A Hands-On Exploratory Testing Workshop[presentation]

Simply put, exploratory testing means designing your tests as you perform them. When it's done well, it's a fantastically productive and rewarding approach to testing. However, to do it well requires training, practice, and discipline.

Jon Bach, Quardev Laboratories
A Flight of Fancy - The Evolution of a Test Process for Spacecraft Software[presentation]

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory formed an embedded software group for producing space flight software.

Brenda Clyde, Johns Hopkins University


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