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Makefile Debugging: Tracing Macro Values[article]

Ask Mr. Make talks about how to trace macro values when debuggin makefiles.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Approaching Code Access for Distributed Development[article]

There was a time when mainframe development was the norm and teams were in close physical contact only having to walk down a few feet to interact with their colleagues. However, times have changed and access to code has to be considered in a much more serious manner. Some companies have had multiple sites participate in their development efforts for upwards of two decades, but a majority of them have only been at this for the last 5 years or just undertaking this venture. The crux of distributed development is the ability to share code for development across sites via the network or via tape or disk.


Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Learning from Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Systems Design[article]

This month we do a bit of a context switch from the world of parallel development to the world of concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems design (and then back again). The purpose is to see if any of the same patterns of concurrent, parallel, and distributed processing apply to the case of concurrent, parallel, and distributed development.

Aircraft Carrier Called the "CM"[article]

In the past, I had a window view of the Boston Harbor from my office. I could see boats coming in an out, including numerous tour boats, whale watch boats, and sail boats. Occasionally, I got the chance to see the large ships including the tankers, battleships, tall ships (e.g., elegant large sailing ships), and the rare site of an aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier is a floating runway for jets. Imagine the infrastructure needed to get those incredibly fast jets ready and flying.


Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
The Trouble with $(wildcard)[article]

$(wildcard) explained can be used anywhere in a Makefile or rule to get a list of files matching one or more glob style patterns.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
App. Infrastructure Configuration Management Keeps Good Apps from Going Bad[article]

For any good developer, applications are like children. You spend countless hours nurturing them and preparing them for the real world. Sometimes they frustrate you, other times they give you tremendous pleasure. And in the end, you’re just downright proud.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Agile Difference for SCM[article]

The authors describe what they believe are the root causes of key differences between agile and traditional development and how they change certain assumptions SCM has about software development.

What Are Branches in Software Development?[article]

What is a Branch in software development? A branch is what happens when your development team needs to work on two distinct copies of a project at the same time. This is best explained by citing a common example.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Future of Agile Configuration Management: 2006 and Beyond[article]

We have been indulging in a mixture of wishful thinking and crystal ball gazing to consider what the future holds for Agile CM. To misquote Malvolio, "Some things are born great, some things achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Rather than try to make grand predictions for 5 or 10 years down the road, we're mostly limiting ourselves to the next 1-3 years (except where noted of course).

Configuration Management VS Change Management - Who's in Control[article]

Discussion has gone around a number of times on the issue. There's even been a poll on the issue. Is configuration management part of change management or vice versa? Everyone has an opinion and there does not seem to be a consensus. What's the problem? Well, here's how I see it.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Moving Dependency Tracking Into The CM Process[article]

Last month I spent a bit of time describing how a CM tool could support the creation and comparison of builds, to support the building of multiple variants, etc., based on a single baseline. This month, I will focus on how the CM tool can simplify the build process, moving the process out of "Make" files while supporting the creation of reusable, layered software.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
SCM Patterns: Building on Task-Level Commit[article]

“Dad,” asked a young man, “my lady friends keep talking to me about being ‘involved with’ them versus being ‘committed to’ them. What exactly is the difference between involvement and commitment?”

“What did you have for breakfast, son?” his father replied.

“Bacon and eggs like always. Why do you ask?” said the son.

“Bacon and eggs, my boy, is a perfect illustration of the difference between involvement and commitment: the chicken was involved, but the pig was committed!”

Austin Hastings
Source Control Checkins[article]

This month, I will explore the various situations wherein a repository is modified, starting with the simplest case of a single developer making a change to a single file.

Editing a Single File

Consider the simple situation where a developer needs to make a change
to one source file.  This case is obviously rather simple:

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Changes: The Crossroads Between Project CM and Product CM[article]

Project perspective or product perspective - what's the best way to look at configuration management. Well... both. We'll journey through both sides, giving this author's perspective of each, and showing how changes form the crossroads between project CM and product CM. Right off the bat, we'll need to agree on some definitions.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Fixing the Fix - How Much Does it Really Cost?[article]

I think everyone in our industry has heard at one time or another "It costs 3x more to fix software after deployment to production than it does fixing it right the first time." My question is; How do we prove that statement?

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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