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Capacity Planning For Software Build Management Servers[article]

A software build management server is an integral part of the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) infrastructure. A typical ALM infrastructure consists of a version control system, a bug or an issue tracking system, and a build server. Software build processes such as Continuous Integration and daily builds are highly IO, memory and computationally intensive. Dedicating adequate resources to the build management server ensures efficient software development.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Convergence of Software Project and Configuration Management[article]

Whereas Project Management (PM) is a widely accepted, highly visible discipline, Configuration Management (CM) is too often seen as a low-level, technical discipline - a back-room activity that, while essential, does not command management attention.

Louis Taborda
Planning Projects for Enterprise CM[article]

Effectively planning and setting realistic expectations before you start your CM project can mean the difference between actual and perceived success and failure. Here are some great tips to help you sell the success of your project and avoid costly pitfalls.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Yes, You Can Review Your Own Work![article]

In last month's column, "Reducing Your Cost of Quality," I listed "structured personal reviews" as being a highly effective appraisal method.  This resulted in e-mails from multiple people asking me about that topic.  So this month, I will explain what I mean by this term, and explain how you can make your reviews effective.


Alan S. Koch
Partnership For Success[article]

No one wants to deliver a poor-quality product. But our projects often seem like a struggle between the Quality Assurance personnel and those who have other jobs. Do some people really not care about quality? If that is not the case, then why does it so often seem that way?

Alan S. Koch
A High-Quality Plan[article]

What does it take to produce a high-quality product? A clear understanding of the customers' needs? Of course! Solid engineering work? Yes! Intensive testing? Naturally! Consistent practices? You bet! A committed, cohesive team? Without a doubt! Anything else?


Alan S. Koch
Delivering On Expectations: The Benefits of Integrated Requirements & Configuration Management[article]

The job of developing systems is a difficult and challenging one. In today’s business climate where the demand for capability is unparalleled and the expectation of quality ever increasing, taking a lifecycle perspective to the delivery of systems can provide a crucial advantage.

Louis Taborda
Security As A Distributed Platforms SCM Change Control Mechanism[article]

Ineffective operating system level security can jeopardize your entire SCM operations and the hundreds of millions of dollars of software assets you are trying to control. It is important to match SCM to your company’s security model and use OS security to exercise control over application runtime environments, which CCM tools typically do not control. Here are some important guidelines for using operating system security to provide robust SCM for Windows and *NIX platforms.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Process Based - Better than Agile for Enterprise[article]

I’ve never been hired to convert a strongly process driven software shop into an Agile-based one. I usually bring Process into a shop where the de facto methods are very similar to what is described as Agile, but without the effectiveness that Agile development strives for. On the other hand, I never choke a software shop with Process either. I’m also well aware of how effective Agile-type development can be. Throughout this article, I will compare and contrast a process-based software production, “Process,” with Agile-based production, “Agile.” I am primarily concerned with the declaration in the Agile Manifesto that Agile favors “Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools.”

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Avoiding Continuous Integration Build Breakage Patterns[article]

Continuous integration is an automatic re-building of project code base that is triggered by new changes to ensure that new changes integrate well into the existing code base. Continuous integration gains popularity among software organizations for its ability to provide quick feedback on quality of new changes. This feedback is used to deliver timely fixes if the changes don’t integrate well and break the project code base.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Levels of an SCM Product Evaluation and their Associated Risk[article]

Performing an SCM product evaluation is important so that the product selected meets the needs of the application being developed. Typically, there is not as much time spent evaluating SCM products as needed, even though an SCM product will be one of the more highly used tools in the application lifecycle. It is with this in mind that it is important to understand the levels of an SCM product evaluation and the level of risk each assumes.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
You have to have a plan, Man[article]

Hey CM’ers!  Welcome to another fun filled, fact free edition of From the Trenches, the column where we get down in the mud to talk about the basics of Configuration Management and try to avoid any incoming shells.  This month we will talk about Software Configuration Management Plans (SCMP’s).  What are they?  Why do you need one?  How do you write one?  How can you delegate this task to someone else, anyone else?

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Automating CM or Application Lifecycle Management[article]

Automation is at the heart of excellence in the field of configuration management. Unless a wider definition of CM is used, that of application lifecycle management, automation will fall far short of the mark. As we enter this still young millennium and look back at the progress of CM, it's clear that the industry has, for the most part, been creating tools to fight fires and to avoid them. Spot solutions originally dealing with version control, change management, problem/issue/defect tracking, etc., have given way to more integration. Yet as a whole, the industry has fallen far short of the mark required for CM, or ALM, automation.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Requirements-Based Development: A Software Configuration Management View[article]

It seems so obvious that we should develop systems based on requirements, and yet it turns out to be rather hard to do and thus many organizations are doing it very badly. From a software configuration management standpoint, we could perhaps leave the whole process of requirements engineering to one side and focus on the management of requirements and thus the aspects of change control and traceability. That would perhaps be unduly ducking the issue, and, of course, we can’t resist giving an opinion anyway!

Anti-Patterns of a Private Workspace[article]

There are key advantages of having a private workspace for development. With this in mind, it is critical that the private workspace is used in the context of the project and the forces influencing the project and programmer are understood. Understanding the concepts of anti-patterns and how they can disrupt the adoption of good practice will lead to establishing practices that fit within a group.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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