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Testing In Session: Making Exploratory Testing Accountable[presentation]

Like the music in a jam session, exploratory testing is supposed to be non-scripted and spontaneous.

Jon Bach, Quardev Laboratories
Managing the Hand-off from Development[presentation]

More than half the battle in testing is managing the hand-off from development into the testing workflow. New software development technologies and methods can result in more functionality, delivered faster but with decreased testability.

Michael Hansen, WorkSoft
Testing in an Outsourced World[presentation]

Many of us have worked on projects where some or all of the development is done by third parties, sometimes in a different country.

Rex Black, Rex Black Consulting
Testers and Testing in the Agile Development[presentation]

You have heard about agile software development techniques such as eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum, and Agile Modeling (AM).

Scott Ambler, Ronin International, Inc.
I've Looked at Bugs from Both Sides Now[presentation]

Many QA and test professionals are working more closely than ever with their development counterparts, especially those using agile approaches.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
Gotcha!...Security Testing for Mission Critical Applications[presentation]

A local television station provides a Web service that allows schools and businesses in the area to easily enter information on closures due to bad weather.

Michael Andrews, Florida Institute of Technology
Automation Architectures -- Best Practices in Your Context[presentation]

How are you going to develop 1,000 or more automated test cases and run them automatically and unattended night after night?

Jamie Mitchell, Test & Automation Consulting LLC
Get Your Testing Message Across[presentation]

We all know how important test progress (or lack of) is to the success of the project. But why is it that sometimes no one takes notice? Valuable test reports provide information that is needed, not just easy to gather.

Isabel Evans, Testing Solutions Group Ltd.
QA Preventing Failure Suffering for Success[article]

One of the most valuable services a QA group provides is preventing failure. Ironically if the group succeeds at this, QA might find themselves unpopular or out of a job. Linda Hayes reveals how typical methods of measuring success can actually cause failure. Especially if success is achieved at the loser's expense.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
Building an Independent Test Group[article]

Are you attempting to start an independent test group or increase the scope and value of your present group? After building a highly effective thirty-person test group, Scott Eder reflects on the three major areas where he focused and the challenges he faced along the way. Take away sample work scope and purpose statements for your test group, and learn how to set realistic expectations at all levels within your organization. Find out the key processes that Scott implemented immediately to get his team off to a good start.

  • The foundations of an independent test group that is valued by your organization
  • Ways to build relationships with key stakeholders in order to foster a supportive environment for test and quality
  • How to create a sense of identity around which your test team can rally
Scott Eder
Test-Driven Development Isn't Testing[article]

There's a common misconception that test-driven development is a testing technique when in fact it's a design technique. In this column, Jeff Patton explains this and how you might use your unit tests to explicitly guide and describe the design of your software.

Jeff Patton's picture Jeff Patton
A Strategic Approach - "Beta the Business"[presentation]

Beta testing is an industry standard practice to obtain user feedback prior to general availability of software. Have you ever considered that the Beta release can be used to validate the software's value to customers and application users?

Pete Conway, EMC Corporation
Breakthroughs in Measurement and Benchmarking[presentation]

The "business of IT" is in the limelight more than ever.

Howard Rubin, META Group Inc
Agile Project Management - Reliable Innovation[presentation]

From software to materials research to drugs to airplanes, companies are relentlessly driving the cost of change out of their new product development processes. Why?

Jim Highsmith, Cutter Consortium
Cosmic Truths about Software Requirements[presentation]

The history of many software projects shows that requirements mistakes are the most expensive ones to correct late in development. So, why do we make big requirements errors over and over, even in mission-critical software projects?

Karl Wiegers, Process Impact


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