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Undoing Testing Methods in Agile Projects[presentation]

The period 2002-2004 was one of enormous progress in figuring out how testing fits in on agile projects. Test-driven design is more about designing and writing the code than about finding bugs.

Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
Early Testing without the Test and Test Again Syndrome[presentation]

Developers and testers sometimes get into a frustrating dance in which the developers provide code for test, the testers run tests and document findings, developers fix the problems and re-release for testing, and the testers rerun and docume

Douglas Hoffman, Software Quality Methods LLC
People + Process = ROI![presentation]

Return on investment (ROI) is a widely used approach for measuring the value of new or improved technology and business processes.

Geoffrey Hewson, Software Productivity Center, Inc.
Adopting Agile Practices on Non-Agile Projects[presentation]

Does your team want to take a stab at Agile development without making a full commitment? Or, are you a manager who has read or heard about Agile development and want to experiment with it before making a large upfront investment?

Peter Schuh, Peter Schuh Consulting
Making Process Improvement Work with Six Sigma and the CMM/CMMI[presentation]

In this presentation Terrence Craft, a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, provides an experience-based look at how to make the capability maturity model (CMM®/CMMI®) work most effectively with Six Sigma.

Terrence Craft, First Data Resources
Using Defect Data to Make Real Quality Improvements[presentation]

A large development organization was challenged to decrease production defects by at least 70 percent. Without extra money or time to install major process changes, what should be done?

Betsy Radley, Nationwide Insurance Company
Metrics to Inspire your Software Project Team[presentation]

Typically, organizations pick metrics they feel will accurately measure the results their projects are achieving. We know, too, that metrics can affect behavior, and, therefore, we try hard to pick unbiased metrics.

Jan Scott, QB Software
Implementing and Sustaining a Measurement Program[presentation]

Are you looking to install new measurements at the department or enterprise level? Are parts of your existing measurement program shaky?

Janet Russac, The David Consulting Group
Integrating Requirements-Based Tesing in the Development Process[presentation]

Good data feedback of software measurements is critical when analyzing measurement data, for drawing conclusions, and as the basis for taking action.

Richard Bender, Technology Builders, Inc.
Navigating the Minefield - Estimating without Complete Requirements[presentation]

Your team is assigned to a new project, and you've had the kickoff meeting. Now, your boss' boss sends an email to you asking for a "guesstimate" of how long and how many people-days the project will take. What do you do?

Carol Dekkers, Quality Plus Technologies Inc
The Task StackProject Planning and Tracking Approach[presentation]

Task Stack Planning (TASAP) is a novel approach to systematic and quantitative project management.

Gerold Keefer, AVOCA LLC
Key Factors for Making Offshore Development Work[presentation]

Inexpensive and technically competent labor in developing countries has made outsourcing some software development and testing activities an attractive alternative.

Bhushan Gupta, Hewlett-Packard USA
Teamwork and Good Communications are Key "Process" Areas, Too[presentation]

Most of the emphasis for development groups seeking improvement is to change processes and project management practices. But what are we missing? Why does our software often disappoint customers?

Isabel Evans, Testing Solutions Group Ltd.
Questions to Ask a Software Vendor about Security (and Verify) before Purchase[presentation]

How do you choose which software vendor's product to buy?

Ed Adams, Security Innovation LLC
When Saying Yes Doesn't Help: Software Development as Codependent Behavior[presentation]

Vague requirements, undocumented design, poor code, and impossible schedules-these are the typical complaints of many developers. Whose fault is it? Of course, it is "their" fault-senior management, customers, users, etc.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering


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