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What's Different about Agile Management[magazine]

Much has been written about how agile processes change the developer and tester roles, but what effect do they have on the manager? Learn about three “extreme” concepts and what they mean to the software manager.

Ken Schwaber
Practical Career Advancement[magazine]

A word from the Technical Editor

Brian Marick
Logical Capture/Replay[magazine]

Wouldn’t it be great if test scripts were written in terms of what they were trying to accomplish instead of in terms of which button to click? It would certainly make them a lot less fragile, and much easier to understand. Find out how capture/replay at the business and control logic level can help you accomplish this goal.

Michael Silverstein
Let SQA Be Your Guide[magazine]

Pinocchio had Jiminy Cricket; your company has Software Quality Assurance. Both are intended not to enforce good practices, but to encourage them. Find out how SQA can effectively serve an organization.

W. Mark Manduke
Go with the Bug Flow[magazine]

How do you know when your software is done? How do you determine which bugs need to be fixed and which can be tabled for "someday"? Robert Sabourin defines a seven-step process for establishing an effective bug triage system.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
Problem Resolution Optimization[article]

No matter how well we plan and execute software development, defects are generated and can escape to the customers. Failure to quickly resolve software problems leads to negative consequences for our customers and increases internal business costs. A quick deterministic
method to prioritize problems and implement their solution helps to reduce cycle time and costs. Achieving this goal requires several steps. The first is to determine a model that links problem resolution performance to institutional variables and problem characteristics. Statistical Design of
Experiments (DOE) is a tool that provides data requirements for estimating the impacts of these variables on problem resolution. Once data has been gathered, the results of statistical analysis can be input into a mathematical optimization model to guide the organization.
This paper describes such an analysis.

Don Porter
Inside the Mind of an Exploratory Tester[magazine]

Among the hardest things to explain is something that everyone already knows. We all know how to listen, how to read, how to think, and how to tell anecdotes about the events in our lives. As adults, we do these things every day. Yet the level possessed by the average person of any of these skills may not be adequate for certain special situations.Exploratory tester James Bach describes eight key skills that expert explorers possess, and how you can develop them too.

James Bach's picture James Bach
Testing A Complex Multi-Media System wiht Action Words[presentation]

Testing games is in many ways similar to testing many complex, multi-media applications. In this hands-on presentation, Hans Buwalda demonstrates practical ways to automatically test a game using an intelligent, model-driven robot.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
What You Need to Know About Testing Web Services[presentation]

With Web services touted as revolutionary technology for eBusiness, many companies are beginning to add this dynamic element to their internal and external Web applications.

Deb Kablotsky, RadView Software Inc
Automate the Right Things First[presentation]

Not every test automation project should be done and not all deserve the highest priority. You need a repeatable process that you can use to filter requests to automate tests.

Lance Griter, McKesson Corporation
From Zero to Production[presentation]

It is a daunting task to create a test organization from scratch. You have to obtain buy-in from key stakeholders, recruit the test team, develop their skills, build trust with the project members, and show the value of testing.

George Toney, LexisNexis
Confessions of a Modeling Bigot[presentation]

Migrating a testing infrastructure from data-driven test automation to a model-driven test architecture, including the need to maintain backward compatibility was a huge challenge for Michael Corning and his groupx0151but a very rewarding one

Michael Corning, Microsoft Corporation
A Test Strategy For Web Services[presentation]

What are Web services and why should you care? Web services offer companies the opportunity to deliver applications that are not feasible with traditional approaches.

Alan Newman, Spirent Communications
Attacking GUI Test Automation Maintaince Headaches[presentation]

GUI-centric automation scripting is a major cause of the high costs and failed test automation efforts.

Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc
Building An Enterprise Test Lab[presentation]

An enterprise test lab provides a stable, independent testing environment that leverages your investment in equipment, software, and people. These labs are often built without an analysis of the architecture needed for an effective test lab.

Alan Forand, EDS


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