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Automating J2EE and .NET Tests[presentation]

With the introduction of the new J2EE (1.4) and .NET platforms, the middleware tier of software applications just became more complex. How do you test an application that uses up to 20 major APIs?

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
Using Test Objectives to Define, Summarize, and Report Your Test Efforts[presentation]

A large system test can consist of hundreds or even thousands of test cases, making it difficult to report results to management in a meaningful way. We typically use summary metrics, but they don't always present a clear picture.

Jan Scott, QB Software
Creating and Maturing a Testing Center of Excellence[presentation]

How can your test organization help drive improvement in the overall software lifecycle?

Thomas George, Capital One Financial Corp
Data-Driven Techniques To Text XML APIs[presentation]

Adapting the Convergys's Advance Data-Driven Techniques (ADDT) process, the company has successfully automated testing of XML APIs.

Shakil Ahmad, Convergys
The Performance Management Lifecycle-Benchmarking, Methodology and Criteria[presentation]

Reliable and consistent performance must be an integral part of your software's release criteria and specifically tested during quality assurance. Learn the key elements of building a performance benchmark for your application.

Steven Rabin, Insight Venture Partners
Getting More Mileage Out of Your Automation[presentation]

Don't settle for rerunning the same automated test cases over and over again. Instead, get more mileage out of your automation!

Kelly Whitmill, IBM Corporation
STARWEST 2003: Rapid Web Testing in a High-Velocity Environment[presentation]

It’s going live tonight! How can I test Web changes when I have only a few hours for testing? In this session, Greg Paskal presents the Minimal Essential Testing Strategy (METS) designed to aid in your rapidly changing Web environment.

Greg Paskal, Kinko's
Sell Your Management on a New Testing Process[presentation]

New test approaches and methods can temporarily disrupt your testing department's productivity, often making it tough to get these new approaches embraced by senior management and accepted into test teams.

Harry Robinson, Microsoft Corporation
Testing In Changing Times[presentation]

Programming methods and tools are changing at a pace unrivaled since the Seventies. The economy has changed dramatically and continues to change now. New technology appears continuously and is becoming cheaper to deploy.

Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
Can U.S. IT Survive Outsourcing?[article]

In this era of economic uncertainty there is one thing you can count on--IT companies looking out for their bottom lines. In this week's column, software developer Matthew Heusser explores why American companies are increasingly sending IT jobs overseas and what the U.S. industry can do to adapt to this employment exodus.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Metrics For Test Managers[presentation]

To be most effective, test managers must develop and use metrics to help manage the testing effort and make informed decisions about the software' quality.

Rick Craig, Software Quality Engineering
How To Break Software Security[presentation]
Herbert H. Thompson and James Whittaker, System Integrity LLC and Florida Institute of Technology
Who is running this project anyway? Managing Distributed Testing Teams[presentation]

Distributed testing is often used to leverage outsourced or offshore test and development labs. Managing distributed projects does not automatically begin when the contract is signed, or during the kick-off meeting.

Jacob Hsu, Symbio
A Study of Myers-Briggs Types Relative to CM Professionals (2003)[article]

What makes configuration management (CM) professionals so unique? Is it the way we can view a complex task and break it down into meaningful activities? Is it the way we can bring some level of order to chaos? Is it that we not only want to understand the details on how things work, but we also like to understand the big picture? Is it our need to improve our environment? Or is it the way we persevere at difficult tasks in trying to bring together the pieces that comprise our deliverables?

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
A Look at Tinderbox 2[magazine]

Ken Estes reviews Tinderbox 2 in depth.

Ken Estes


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