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Software Test Automation Fall 2003: Test Automation on a Shoestring[presentation]

Shoestring automation can help your team identify viable solutions that are available at the lowest possible price. It's also important to know what commercial tools are available for use and understand when you're better off using them.

Elisabeth Hendrickson, Quality Tree Software, Inc.
State of the Practice in Application Development: A Basis for Benchmarking[presentation]

This presentation explains why knowing broad industry trends regarding application development is not enough to ensure a successful project. AD should be tightly bound to businesses.

Robert Solon, Gartner Inc
Product Risk Analysis Clarifies Requirements[article]

This presentation re-emphasizes that requirements are important. The difference between functional and nonfunctional requirements will be covered. Then, Product Risk Analysis will be described, along with the elements of the analysis and steps toward performing the analysis.

Jim Kandler
Estimation IT Software Development The Estimation Fallacy in IT Software Development [article]

Despite the fact that iterative approaches to software development are increasingly used, most of the people paying for IT software developmet have an expectation that we should be able to tell them—before coding starts—"what's it going to do, what's it going to cost, and when's it going to be ready?" This article exlains why that's an unattainable expectation and corrects the misleading "product-lifecycle-model" for estimating.

Bill Walton
eXtreme Project Management: Getting a Grip on Chaos[article]

The world has changed and traditional project management hasn't kept up. Innovation and time-to-market have given birth to a new breed of projects: those that are ultra-demanding. Extreme project management is not your father's project management. It's a change-embracing model for succeeding on today's innovative and ultra-demanding projects. It's an integrated set of intuitive principles, values, practices, and tools. It's an approach that works because it's fast, business focused, people centric, and reality based. This slide presentation is from a webinar presented at the nonprofit PMI-ISSIG (Project Management Institute-Information Systems Specific Interest Group).

Doug DeCarlo
M3–The Sequel[article]

Over the years our industry has witnessed an explosion of maturity models. Last month I published a tongue-in-cheek column on this subject, "The Maturity Maturity Model™ (M3)." In this follow-up column, I hope to offer some actual constructive comments on the concept of maturity. For your reading pleasure, I included a list of thirty-four "Maturity Models" at the end. All thirty-four are real, including the "Broccoli Maturity Model." (You couldn't make this stuff up!)

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
A Look at Mercury Interactive's WinRunner[magazine]

In this edition of "Tool Look," Chris Meisezahl takes a look at Mercury Interactive's WinRunner.

Christopher J. Meisenzahl
Teambuilding at Work[magazine]

In this edition of "The Last Word," Johanna Rothman outlines a team building exercise that omits ropes courses and campfire songs.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Collaborative Pest Control[magazine]

Read this edition of "From the Front Line," to find out why Brett Goldman says having more QA meetings can be a good thing.

Brett Goldman
Job Hunting in a Tight Market[magazine]

Tech stocks are down, money is tight, and companies are laying off. Are there any jobs out there for software professionals? In this edition of "Career Development," Rebecca Traeger speaks to two industry recruiters to find out.

Rebecca Traeger
Exhausting Your Test Options[magazine]

In this edition of "Bug Report," Doug Hoffman tells the story of exhaustively testing a 32-bit square root function.

Doug Hoffman
A Rush to Judgement[magazine]

If you find an article grating on you, if you think the author is clearly wrong-headed, I suggest you read it differently than you probably read most articles. Explicitly separate what the author implies you should believe from the actions she describes. Focus on her specific results and the actions that led to them. How, in your style of work could you adapt the author's actions to get your results? In this edition of Technically Speaking, Brian Marick explores this possibilty.

Brian Marick
Once upon a Design[magazine]

Communicating a project design is similar to telling or writing a story, and the same rules apply. Discover how to consider your purpose and your audience as you craft your tale.

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Eliminating Automation Overhead[magazine]

Overhead code is code that is necessary for carrying out the operations of an automated test, but obscures the test's point. Find out how using interface layers can lead to greater efficiency and easier maintenance.

Andrew Lance
Orchestrating Integration Testing[magazine]

Verifying the operation of a complex software system can be a daunting task. Here is a systematic approach to the job. This article details six steps for testing duct-taped programs.

Len DiMaggio


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