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TTCN-3: A Standard Test Scripting Language[presentation]

In this article, the author lays out the case for having a dedicated, standardized test language. The benefits of using a TTCN-3 are also detailed.

Matt Graney, Telelogic North America Inc
Bulletproof your Review Program![presentation]

In this article, the author explains how to bulletproof your review program by avoiding traps that typically kill technical review programs.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc
Bug Taxonomies: How to Generate Better Tests[presentation]

This article discusses how to use bug taxonomies to help generate better tests.

Giri Vijayaraghavan, Texas Instruments Inc
"Best Practices" and "Context-Driven": Building a Bridge[presentation]

This article discusses how to employ "best practices" and how to also implement them as daily "good practices" for your project.

Neil Thompson, Thompson Information Systems Consulting Ltd.
Practical Experiences in Graph-Based Testing[presentation]

This article discusses design techniques and models implemented in graph-based testing. Test script models are also detailed along with test script development.

Alan Richardson, Compendium Developments Ltd
Testing for Section 508 and WCAG Accessibility Compliance[presentation]

This article discusses testing for Section 508 and WCAG Accessibility compliance. It explains what Section 508 is and what it means for your testing group.

Bill Chandler, Rational Software ATBU
Introduce and Sustain a Worldwide Software Inspection Process[presentation]

In this presentation you will discover how to: understand the benefits that come with implementing inspections, understand the steps to rollout an effective inspection process, how to anticipate the problems that can be

Marc Rene, GTECH Corporation
Requirements-Based Testing: An Overview[presentation]

In this article, the author discusses how to deliver more function, in less time, and with fewer resources while maintaining a high level of quality. He details how poorly written requirements can lead to major system errors.

Gary Mogyorodi, BIT, Inc.
The Business Value of Quality and Testing[presentation]

Adam Tate discusses the business value of quality and testing. Learn how to increase the business value of your customer approach. Discover how to put the "R" back in ROI.

Adam Tate, IBM
Becoming a Successful Test Manager[presentation]

In this article, Chris DeNardis discusses the skills necessary to becoming a successful test manager. He outlines how to get organized, and how to better communicate with your team.

Christopher DeNardis, Rockwell Automation
The Maturity Maturity Model (M3)[article]

Over the years our industry has witnessed an explosion of maturity models. You can see a list of thirty-four of them at the end of this column. Unfortunately, until now, we have been lacking a maturity model to evaluate our own maturity-thus the need for the development of the "Maturity Maturity Model (M3)."

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Software Testing Turnovers[presentation]

This paper was originally presented at an SQE STAR conference. It is offered here unedited in its original format.


Jeffrey S. Davis
Efficiency and Effectiveness Measures To Help Guide the Business of Software Testing[article]

The measurements described in this paper answer the question of whether Software Testing is "doing the right thing" (effectiveness). Once there is assurance and quantification of correct testing, metrics should be developed that determine whether or not Software Testing "does the thing right" (efficiency).

John Huber
Techniques and Processes for Reliability Testing[presentation]

This paper details techniques and processes for reliability testing.

Ross Collard, Collard and Company
Personal Skills for Test Professionals[presentation]

This paper discusses personal skills for test professionals and managers. In addition to excellent technical skills and an understanding of testing methodologies and tools, testers, and their managers, must have a rich portfolio of

Steve Allott, ElectroMind Limited


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