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Are You Ready?[magazine]

 A contractor or new employee is about to start work in your department. Have you paved the way for the new arrival to hit the job running? Check out this guide to make sure you've thought of everything.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton
The Product Champion: Making Sure that Customer, Team, and Business Needs Are Well Represented in the Development Process[magazine]

Having a close relationship with the customer is always a good idea. But with that relationship comes risks. Most projects could use a knight in shining armor to protect their product's future. Discover how a product champion can help your organization stay focused on the customer without losing sight of the big picture.

Linda Rising's picture Linda Rising
Visual Requirements[magazine]

Instead of wading through requirements documents, try drawing them instead. Learn about three simple diagrams and how to turn them quickly into valuable models. The diagrams presented here represent the most commonly used types for each of the three software dimension perspectives: data flow diagrams for function, class diagrams for information, and state transition diagrams for behavior.

Becky Winant
Troubleshooting Risk-Based Testing[magazine]

It's not easy to know the ways that a product might fail, determine how important the failures would be if they occurred, and then develop and excuse tests to discover whether or not the product would indeed fail in those ways. Renowned tester James Bach shares some of his tips for dealing with common risk-based testing obstacles.

James Bach's picture James Bach
A Small Matter of Metrics[magazine]

Think you’re ready to launch your new metrics program? Think again. Find out how conducting a trial measurement program on yourself first can give you valuable insights and understanding. Learn about the value and limits of measurement, gain knowledge into why many software measurement efforts fail, and prepare yourself for launching a successful program.

Dave W. Smith
software development model showing basic work products and the V&V activity Quality Assurance Section for a Design Specification[article]

This article explains the contents of a quality assurance section for a design specification. It includes reasons why this section is needed by design-time, clarifies the difference between quality assurance and software testing, relates the outline to the V Model, and provides a format easily transferable to other project documents, such as project plans and proposals.

Margaret Harris
Open Source and Hype[article]

Hype is not unknown in the software field. The advocates of every new software idea exaggerate the benefits of using that idea. Those exaggerated claims generally have no basis in reality. In this week's column, Robert Glass explains his theory about Open Source Software.

Robert Glass
Software Configuration Management Guidelines (template)[article]

This template describes recommended guidelines for implementing configuration management for software project artifacts and deliverables.

Sidney Snook
Who's Testing Your Software?[article]

Due to shrinking budgets, organizations have scaled back testing beyond the point of acceptable risk. Some companies have eliminated QA resources altogether, pushing testing responsibilities back onto programming staff, which is itself spread too thinly to get it done. Unfortunately, this means that software (and even some hardware) is being released in an untested state. It's important to ask who is doing the testing on your project to ensure the testing is being done at all.

Sheryl Smith
Agile Codeline Management[article]

Software developers often view version management tools and techniques as a necessary evil. This is particularly true of developers practicing agile techniques. However, version management, can be an aid to agility rather than something that gets in the way.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Establishing and Implementing Software Quality Assurance[article]

Software quality assurance is a planned and systematic approach necessary to provide adequate confidence that an item or product conforms to established standards, procedures, and policies. This paper addresses the quality assurance practices that were employed in the organization to assure "quality" of software product development. It describes the practices that can be effectively adopted both at the project level and organization level. Defect metric data which has been collected out of this endeavor is also presented.

Arati Prabhakar
Testware for Free[article]

Want the 4-1-1 on freeware but don't know where to start? A virtual cornucopia of programs awaits your discovery. In this week's column, Danny Faught details some of the testware he has researched, and explains why it's important to have freeware in your testing tool bag of tricks.

Danny R. Faught's picture Danny R. Faught
Taking Test-Driven Development for a Drive[magazine]

Sometimes TDD (Test-Driven Development) doesn't get used because it can be cost prohibitive to a testing budget. Read on as Joel Spolsky laments the limited real-life usefulness of test-driven development and discusses some common roadblocks to using this testing technique.

Joel Spolsky
When You're Tested[magazine]

This article details interview behavior basics you should follow before, during, and after the interview. Jonathan Bach shares the secrets of putting your best foot forward when you're the one being tested.

Jon Bach's picture Jon Bach
Testing the Bold and the Beautiful[article]

During testing, testers mostly stress the 'Bold' part of the software and comfortably overlook the 'Beautiful' side. Beauty and functionality are treated as two extreme ends in software quality, where only one of the two can meet perfection at a given time. But the viewers of the famous soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful know very well that both are important. In this article, Yogita Sahoo explains why aesthetics are such an important contribution.

Yogita Sahoo's picture Yogita Sahoo


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