The Latest

Evolution of Automated Testing for Enterprise Systems[presentation]

The key to accelerating test automation in any project is for a well-rounded, cohesive team to emerge that can marry its business knowledge with its technical expertise.

Cherie Coles, BNSF Railroad
Introduction to Usability Testing[presentation]

What is usability? Why is it important? If these questions wake you in the middle of the night, then this presentation is for you.

Cheryl L. Nesta, Vanteon
How to Find the Level of Quality Your Sponsor Wants[presentation]

In this paper, I'll talk about how to focus yourself to do effective testing. I'll cover where to start, what to look for, what and who are your resources. There is a level of understanding you need about the quality goals for a project.

Sue Bartlett, Step Technology
Concise, Standardized, Organized Testing in Complex Test Environments[presentation]

There's a need for standardized, organized hardware and software infrastructure, and for a common framework, in a complex test environment.

Gerhard Strobel, IBM Germany
Revealing the Mysteries of Test Measurement[presentation]

Contrary to popular belief, test measurement is not a mysterious art. Rather, it's a vital part of test management.

David Hutcheson, Glen Abbot Ltd.
Test Result Checking Patterns[presentation]

Determining how a test case detects a product failure requires several test case design trade-offs. These trade-offs include the characteristics of test data used and when comparisons are done.

Keith Stobie, Microsoft
Data in Functional Testing-You Can't Live Without It[presentation]

This paper sets out to illustrate some of the ways that data can influence the test process, and will show that testing can be improved by a careful choice of input data.

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions
A Framework for Testing Real-Time and Embedded Systems[presentation]

What do we mean when we say local, remote, simultaneous, and distributed testing?

Alan Haffenden, The Open Group
Creating Quality From Scratch: How to Build a Testing Organization[presentation]

With more and more companies realizing the need for testing throughout the product development process, there's a growing demand for bigger, better QA teams.

Eric Patel, Nokia Home Communications
Take This Test and Share It![presentation]

Your organization may not be the size of IBM, but your testers have probably experienced many of the same problems.

Bill Woodworth, IBM
STAREAST 2001: Managing the End Game of a Software Project[presentation]

How do you know when a product is ready to ship? QA managers have been faced with this question for many years.

Mike Ennis, BMC Software
Patterns and Automation: The Road to More Effective Testing[presentation]

Testers are an organization's most effective defense against shipping embarrassing or even fatal defects.

James Whittaker, Florida Institute of Technology
Standards for Test Automation-A Case Study[presentation]

Implementing a set of automation standards adopted and followed by the test team will benefit everyone.

Brian Tervo, Microsoft Corporation
Metrics Collection and Analysis for Web Sites[presentation]

To many organizations, the concept of metrics is foreign. Even after taking training on metrics usage, few organizations take advantage of the value metrics can bring.

Joe Polvino, Element K
The Global Challenge: Quality Assurance for Worldwide Markets[presentation]

Many software applications are hosted in worldwide data centers, simultaneously launched with multiple language user interfaces, and continuously upgraded in rolling release cycles.

Steve Nemzer, VeriTest


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