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Ready to Automate?[presentation]

Is your organization ready to benefit from automation? The decision to automate your test process can sometimes raise more questions than you expect. What tools do I need? Who should I hire? Do I need to outsource?

Bret Pettichord, Pettichord Consulting LLC
Test Progress Reporting Using Functional Readiness[presentation]

Are you looking for a way to effectively set the expectations of senior management?

Robyn Brilliant, Fannie Mae
Space Shuttle GPCF: A Retrospective Look[presentation]

This paper is based on a recent experience implementing and testing a large new software capability in a maintenance organization which had not dealt with a large change in some time.

Alan Ogletree, United Space Alliance
Delusions of Grandeur: Is Your Web Site Really Scalable?[presentation]

This presentation relates a software test lab's real-world experiences performing load testing for scalability on three Web sites.

Jim Hazen, SysTest Labs, LLC
Enterprise Test Engine Suite Technology[presentation]

Many companies invest heavily in test automation in order to verify the functionality of their complex
client/server and Web applications, only to find that anticipated cost savings and higher reliability remain

James Schaefer, Capital One
The Change Agent: Leveraging the Testing Role[presentation]

How can you help change your corporate culture to appropriately regard the role of testing? In this presentation, David Capocci shows you how to position testing as a valued part of the project team.

David Capocci, SAFECO Insurance
Testing Middleware Communication Platforms: XML to the Rescue?[presentation]

Middleware has held a significant place in software history since its advent in the 1990s. Today, middleware is being used more and more in the B2B arena.

Nitish Rathi, Independent Consultant and Manish Rathi, Telcordia Technologies
Challenging Conventional Wisdom[presentation]

The earth is flat. Mankind will never fly. Reasonable people believed these “facts” for

Elizabeth Langston, SAS Institute Inc.
The Best of the New Testing Techniques[presentation]

In the testing profession, we live in a blizzard of new ideas, reminders about how to obtain value from old ideas, and other helpful advice. That's part of being involved in a vigorous, fast-evolving field.

Ross Collard, Collard & Company
Testing in the Extreme Programming World[presentation]

Much attention has been given to the topic of lightweight development processes-especially eXtreme Programming (XP).

Robert Martin, Object Mentor, Inc.
A White Box Approach to Testing an eCommerce System[presentation]

This presentation gives one team's experience installing and testing a multiserver eCommerce system that had storefronts that were to be created by the customer.

Andrew O. Mellinger, Critical Path Software
The Path to Universal Automated Testing[presentation]

The adoption of a universal automated testing methodology (UAT) can seem a complex and costly prospect at first glance.

Celestina Bianco and Joan Carles Sanchez, NTE s.a.
The Dangers of Use Cases Employed as Test Cases[presentation]

Use cases are a great way to organize and document a software system's functionality from the user's perspective. However, they have limited uses for testers. They are great vehicles to accomplish some tasks, and not so great for others.

Bernie Berger, Test Assured, Inc.
User Acceptance Testing: The Overlooked and Underplanned[presentation]

User acceptance testing is sometimes regarded as the red-headed stepchild of testing. Most of us tend to focus on functional and performance testing, and in doing so forget who it is we're actually developing the application for.

Kevin Au, Experio
Theory and Practice in Test Process Improvement at Barclays Bank[presentation]

How do you obtain buy-in on a test process improvement project in an organization with nearly two thousand developers? This presentation gives the inside story of how Barclays Bank Plc.

Kath Harrison, Barclays Bank Plc. and Martin Pol, POLTEQ IT Services B.V.


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