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Incorporating User Experience into Early Agile Cycles[magazine]

Chris Nodder explores the emerging need to focus on a software app's user experience. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to perform some basic user experience analysis as long as it is done early and tested throughout a project’s lifecycle.

Chris Nodder's picture Chris Nodder
Open Source Management Four Risks You Can Avoid by Making Open Source Management Part of Your ALM[article]

With open source components being used in more than 80 percent of commercial software developed today, ALM efforts must be altered to address them. Failing to do so may introduce unnecessary risks. This article outlines the potential risks associated with not managing open source as part of your ALM, and explains how these risks can be easily avoided.

Rami Sass's picture Rami Sass
Better Continuous Integration Using Docker with Atlassian’s Bamboo for Better Continuous Integration[article]

Some projects built with Bamboo require the build system to have certain specialized software. Installing the software can become a problem when different projects require conflicting sets of software. To solve this, developers can create remote agents with different sets of software and run them all on the same machine with Docker.

John Wodder's picture John Wodder
Mike Sowers discusses the future of the software testing profession STAREAST 2015 Interview with Mike Sowers on the Future of Testing [interview]

In this STAREAST interview, Mike Sowers discusses the future of testing. He touches on how DevOps, agile, continuous integration, and continuous testing have changed the field.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Jeffery Payne discusses DevOps Why DevOps Changes Everything: An Interview with Jeffery Payne[interview]

In this interview, Coveros CEO and founder Jeff Payne explains why DevOps is changing everything. He talks about how DevOps has to be incorporated as a complete culture change, as well as the differences between good and bad DevOps implementation. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Cultures of Continuous Improvement How Courageous Leaders Create Cultures of Continuous Improvement[article]

The success of your organization is dependent on the courage of your leaders. Until you confront your collective fears, you will never get down to the true root cause of many of your problems, and they will persist in preventing you from succeeding. Read on to discover how to confront five common fears that may be holding you back from continuous improvement.

Joakim Ahlstrom's picture Joakim Ahlstrom
What Are the Key Components of an Effective Test Strategy?[magazine]

In this FAQ column, Lee Copeland defines a test strategy as a high-level plan to achieve specific test objectives and outlines the components an effective strategy should address.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Boost Your DevOps Testing Efforts How to Use Mind Maps to Boost Your DevOps Testing Efforts[article]

Mind maps have several applications, but few QA teams are aware of their usefulness when applied to testing software. Visual, fun to play with, and free to use, mind maps can spur creativity and group collaboration. This article helps explain how to use mind maps to organize your testing efforts, supporting the rapid rate of delivery inherent in a successful DevOps organization.

Mush Honda's picture Mush Honda
Hire the Right Developer[magazine]

Wondering why—with all the jobs you've applied for—you aren't getting noticed? Take it from Xojo CEO Geoff Perlman; it isn't just your programming or testing skills that will land you a job. Far from it. Geoff knows from experience that hiring the right individual is a careful blend of skill, fit, and passion.

Geoff Perlman's picture Geoff Perlman
Development Lifecycle Performance Monitoring across the Development Lifecycle[article]

The nature of software delivery has evolved significantly over the years. This has led to a change in how application teams work, so the tools they should use to help them deliver software have also changed. Integrating application performance monitoring into the software development lifecycle means issues affecting performance can be fixed before applications are deployed.

Laura Strassman's picture Laura Strassman
Measuring Quality: Testing Metrics and Trends in Practice[presentation]

In today's fast-paced IT world, companies follow “best” testing trends and practices with the assumption that, by applying these methodologies, their product quality will improve. But that does not always happen. Why? Liana Gevorgyan questions and defines, in the language of metrics...

Liana Gevorgyan, Infostretch Corporation
Avoid Testing Mistakes or Really Bad Things Can Happen[presentation]

In our work we assess the quality of software to give well-grounded advice on the “go live” decision. We test software to prevent bad things from happening to users once the software is deployed. However, in some cases, the mere act of testing breaches safety barriers and can put companies...

Bart Knaack, Professional Testing
Improve Security through Continuous Testing[presentation]

Many companies develop strong software development practices that include ongoing testing throughout the development lifecycle. But they fail to account for the testing of security-related issues. This leads to security controls being tacked on to an application just before it goes to...

Jeremy Faircloth, Raytheon
Unleashing the Creative Mind of the Test Engineer[presentation]

Do we each have a natural capacity for creativity? Can creativity be learned or enhanced? How do we ignite inventiveness? To be competitive in today’s world, it’s important to creatively respond to unanticipated challenges, make new connections, and adapt and continually improve...

Audrey Marak, AmerisourceBergen Corporation
Stop Maintaining Multiple Test Environments[presentation]

Today, most of us struggle with non-production environments. Either the test data is not right or consistent, the dependencies are mismanaged, or “They just aren't quite like production.”  Instead of striving for simpler environments, most organizations add test environments―pre-prod...

Joel Tosi, DevJam


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