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STAREAST 2015: Risk-Based Testing for Agile Projects[presentation]

Many projects implicitly use some kind of risk-based approach for prioritizing testing activities. However, critical testing decisions should be based on a product risk assessment process using key business drivers as its foundation. For agile projects, this assessment should be both...

Erik van Veenendaal, Improve IT Services BV
Improve Your Test Process from the Bottom Up[presentation]

Test process improvement can be done in many ways. In a top-down approach a central organization does all the planning, and then implementation is done when everything is ready. In a bottom-up approach the improvements, developed and implemented in individual projects, are then spread...

Gitte Ottosen, Capgemini-Sogeti Denmark
How to Deliver Winning Mobile Apps[presentation]

Do you find yourself confused about the definition of mobile testing? Do you understand the challenges of mobile testing and where to start? Is this your first mobile testing project? Joe Larizza and Eran Kinsbruner describe the techniques of mobile testing and the steps necessary to help...

Joe Larizza, Royal Bank of Canada, and Eran Kinsbruner, Perfecto Mobile
The New Agile Testing Quadrants: Bringing Skilled Testers and Developers Together [presentation]

You want to integrate skilled testing and development work. But how do you accomplish this without developers accidentally subverting the testing process or testers becoming an obstruction? Efficient, deep testing requires “critical distance” from the development process, commitment and...

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc. and Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Implement an Enterprise Performance Test Process[presentation]

Suddenly, application performance is important to your business, and you have been given the budget to improve it. You’re in a hurry because customers are complaining or because you expect jumps in transaction volume and your application needs to scale quickly. Do you know where to start?

Ryan Riehle, InCycle Software
The State of DevOps Adoption[magazine]

The current trend of using DevOps to describe every effective automated procedure is creating more confusion and even some dysfunctional behavior as software organizations continue to adopt this build-test-deploy approach. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs describe the DevOps approach you should use.

Make Deployment Automation Work What You Need to Know to Make Deployment Automation Work for Your Business[article]

Deployment automation is becoming more of a requirement for software development teams that are looking to remain competitive. While there are many benefits, there are also a number of areas to consider before implementing a deployment automation solution as part of your software development and release process.

Anders  Wallgren's picture Anders Wallgren
From Curmudgeon to Kanban[magazine]

It didn't take long for Stacia Viscardi to realize that as effective as agile can be, a plan-driven mindset may not be the best approach for every project or every team. Breaking the rules and embracing whatever it takes to motivate the team to get a project to doneness—and delighting the customer along the way—is a much better approach, even if it means breaking away from fixed iterations.

Stacia Viscardi's picture Stacia Viscardi
IT Controls Establishing IT Controls for Consistent, Efficient Delivery[article]

Many high-security institutions have guidelines that must be followed in order to comply with industry regulatory requirements. But these best practices can help any company avoid costly mistakes while enabling teams to work faster and more effectively. This article tells you how to get started establishing your own practical and reliable IT controls.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Scaling DevOps at the Enterprise Level[magazine]

DevOps for the enterprise is the set of activities that support development and testing being managed within a framework for delivering the software into a stable production environment. Kim Megahee believes that DevOps can be successfully deployed with the adoption of Akaizen.

Kim Megahee's picture Kim Megahee
DevOps Team Finding a Balance of Power on a DevOps Team[article]

There is a natural tension between development and operations. When this relationship is in balance, each side helps the other. But when there is imbalance, bad things can happen. Leslie Sachs details the pitfalls that can sabotage a DevOps team, as well as the checks and balances that will help the team achieve productivity and quality.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Wearables and Contactless Technology—for Payment Processing and Much More[presentation]

The emergence of wearable devices like Google Glass, Apple Watch, and many others—combined with contactless technology such as near field communications—are being combined in new applications for payment processing, banking, and much more. Adopting wearables for contactless...

David Meyer, FIS Mobile
Mobile Dev + Test 2015: Mobile Testing Trends and Innovations[presentation]

As organizations implement their mobile strategy, testing teams must support new technologies—while still maintaining existing systems. Melissa Tondi describes the major trends and innovations in mobile technology, usage patterns, tools, and test equipment that you should consider when...

Melissa Tondi, Denver Automation and Quality Engineering
Thought: The Future of Mobile and Embedded Application Input[presentation]

Control of complex machines by human thought has been a mainstay of science fiction writing and films for years. In the movie Firefox, Clint Eastwood steals a highly advanced Russian fighter jet that is controlled by the pilot’s thoughts. But real devices are now appearing that purport to...

Jim McKeeth, Embarcadero Technologies
Real-Time Contextual and Social Relevance in Mobile[presentation]

Personalized mobile user experience is a hot topic today because a smarter app will delight users, keep them coming back, and make your business stand out from the crowd. The extreme version of personalization is real-time contextual and social relevance. According to Jason Arbon...

Jason Arbon,


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