Create the Self-Directed Team of Your Dreams

Josh Anderson

You've read dozens of books on agile and hundreds of articles, but no one actually told you how to build the team of your dreams. Josh Anderson brings the real-world experience of growing a team from zero engineers to thirty while shipping five products—and he did it is less than a year. Learn how to build a team from scratch or transform your existing team into a mystical self-directed team, and understand how leadership operates in a world of self-directed teams. You'll be able to take these lessons home and hire, grow, and support self-directed teams, then start changing the world.

About the Presenter

With five large-scale agile transformations under his belt, Josh Anderson has seen it all—good agile, bad agile, and other things sometimes referred to as agile. With his recent founding of kazi, LLC, Josh now focuses exclusively on using his broad experience to accelerate his customer's success through agile transformations and all other aspects of software engineering. As a founding member of the Agile Podcast Network, he delivers continuous content with his co-host Bob Galen in their agile-centric podcast The Meta-Cast. Follow Josh on Twitter @nosrednAhsoJ and learn more about his company at

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