How to Innovate Inexpensively

Giancarlo Di Vece

When many think of modernizing or altering their firm with the goal of staying competitive in the market, thoughts of expensive, cutting-edge concepts that are difficult to implement usually come to mind. But innovation doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. The fact is that pure modernism is focusing on the benefit of the customer, the team, and the business. It does not always have to be overly technical or costly. As with speed, the most economical method to determine if a company is pursuing innovation is to look internally and discover how the workforce is being utilized. Giancarlo Di Vece will explore some of the key innovation questions: How do we determine if team members are appropriately applied and the project evenly distributed? Which tools do we need to get the job done? How does training drive innovation? Are we collaborating in a meaningful and useful way? Innovation is something every business operation needs to survive, every leadership team strives for, and every customer demands. Here's how to get your team ahead of the pack—within budget.

About the Presenter

As president of Unosquare, Giancarlo Di Vece believes software engineering is not only a science, it’s also an art. This refreshing viewpoint, along with his leadership and passion for technology, globalization, and IT recruitment talent, has led to thousands of business projects successfully completing their digital transformation initiatives with Unosquare in creative and pioneering ways. Under Giancarlo’s direction, he and his team actively seek the best talent and then place them into processes and practices for distributed agile augmentation. By helping organizations understand their projects, manage their talent, and realize their process, Unosquare has been named one of the one hundred fastest-growing private businesses in Oregon for four years in a row and one of the fastest-growing US companies, on the Inc. 5000 list for three years in a row.

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