Mobbing for Test Design: Connecting with Your Colleagues’ Test Ideas
Do you have trouble generating test case ideas? Are there seemingly obvious bugs getting through your test plan? Are you considering revamping your current test analysis and design? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this session is for you. You may have heard of mob programming as an extension of pair programming. Mob testing is the same principle: having the whole team test together on one computer, collaborating and throwing out ideas. You end up getting the best from everyone. Join Jeff MacBane and James Fogarty as they show you how to leverage mob test design to create test cases close to the beginning of development. They will share a heuristic test strategy model, explain how to use mob testing to test a product or features during development, and show how to build test scenarios and cases. You will take back lots of new ideas and information, with concrete examples to help you implement and use mob test design and mob testing at your workplace.
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