Shu-Ha-Ri Applied to Agile Leadership
Far too many agile instances either fail or underperform because the leadership team members don’t sufficiently understand agility and their role within it. They don’t understand the fundamentals or how to map them to effective execution. But the larger problem is that they (and the organization) are unaware of the gaps. In this session, we’ll explore a basic assessment model for determining agile leadership maturity as a means of gauging and improving leadership's understanding and your overall effectiveness in applying agile. You'll break into small groups and assess the leadership landscape for your organization, then map it back to some of your core challenges. We’ll be looking for common patterns and brainstorming methods for solutions, all focused on broadening and deepening the agile skill level of your leadership teams. You'll take back actionable methods for maturing your leadership's understanding of agile and making your organization's agile transformation more effective.
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