Transformational Leadership for Business Agility

Sanjiv Augustine

Despite thinking that organizations are slow to innovate, innovation actually abounds at many companies. Kodak, DEC, and Xerox did not fail due to lack of new, cutting-edge innovation; they failed because their organizations were tuned to their traditional markets, and a failure to change their business models and organizations led to their eventual disruption. The key to achieving business agility lies in leadership that transforms organizations. Transformational leaders succeed by changing the system, leading with purpose, and steering from the edges. They own their responsibility and boldly lead their organizations into the future. It's time for all of us to undergo personal transformations and start leading for innovation, disruption, and business agility. Join Sanjiv Augustine to learn how to transform your organization to drive business agility with a flatter organizational structure, work-anywhere flexibility, participatory profit sharing, and delegated hiring and firing. Explore the necessary leadership journey, with its fears, challenges, and tribulations as well as its joys, triumphs, and unassailable business results.

About the Presenter

Sanjiv Augustine is the founder, president, and CEO of LitheSpeed LLC and an entrepreneur, industry-leading agile and lean expert, author, speaker, management consultant, and trainer. With nearly thirty years in the industry, Sanjiv has served as a trusted adviser to executives and management at leading firms, including Capital One, The Capital Group, CNBC, Comcast, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, General Dynamics, HCA Healthcare, The Motley Fool, National Geographic, Nationwide Insurance, Royal Bank of Canada, Samsung, and Walmart. Sanjiv is the author of the books Managing Agile Projects and Scaling Agile: A Lean JumpStart , as well as several publications, including "Transitioning to Agile Project Management" and "The Lean-Agile PMO: Using Lean Thinking to Accelerate Agile Project Delivery." He is a dynamic, sought-after keynote speaker who presents regularly at agile and PMI user groups and conferences worldwide.

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