Why Military Veterans Make Exceptional Testers

Brenda Hall

Hiring trained talent has been a challenge for IT organizations for several years now. How do you find a steady source of qualified candidates for entry-level QA and QE positions, especially considering colleges and universities don't include a software quality assurance curriculum? Enter the returning veteran! Our veterans often find the search for jobs a daunting challenge, but Brenda Hall discovered just how well veterans are suited for work in software quality. She will share her insights into solving two challenges—our companies needing talent, and returning veterans needing jobs—with one imaginative solution. Brenda will discuss the natural transition from military experience "hunting down the bad guys" to hunting down software bugs. She will share her experiences over the last ten months and show how the mindset and discipline of her new team members have made a difference to her projects. Learn how reinforcing your ranks with trained military veterans delivers a stronger quality front line, and leave with a battle plan to enlist an excellent pool of talent available today.

[video:https://youtu.be/aPIPzDUV_ZE width:300 height:200 align:right]

About the Presenter

Brenda Hall 's "do whatever it takes" attitude is a large part of how her company, Bridge360, earns the praise of its customers. An industry-recognized expert on both the business and technological aspects of international product delivery, she has managed many project teams specializing in building global software. Having worked at IBM, Compaq Computer, BMC Software, Cirrus Logic, and several technology startups, Brenda has many years of industry experience, including serving as BMC Software/Austin's Globalization Manager, where she established the strategy, processes, and guidelines to support BMC's product offerings across Europe and Asia. On the national level, she serves as secretary and treasurer to the US District Export Council National Steering Committee (NSC) and chairs the NSC Technology & Communication Committee. She was a founding member of the World Congress for Information Technology and treasurer of the International Workshop on Internationalization of Products and Systems. Locally, she serves on the Vetarans4Quality board of directors and volunteers her time to the next generation of global business leaders through the University of Texas McCombs School of Business.

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