You Can't Improve What You Can't See

Brandon Carlson

From value stream mapping to burndown charts, making things visible is a core component of the continuous improvement process. But even with all this visibility, much of the data surrounding how your teams work is either not captured or not understandable. This data represents a great opportunity for insights and improvement. Think about it: Your management team tells you that your velocity is too low. What do you do? First, you need more information. What does “too low” mean? Why was the velocity low? Did the team deliver value? Brandon Carlson will share one team’s surprising insights when they analyzed previously invisible data. He'll also tell you how to discover what the highest risk areas of the system are for enabling the most cost-effective regression test strategy. It's all there, only tucked away where no one can see. Learn how to make the invisible, visible—and unlock the data that drives insights needed to truly inspect, adapt, and improve.

About the Presenter

A self-proclaimed nerd, Brandon Carlson works for Lean TECHniques Inc., an IT consultancy that helps teams deliver high-value, high-quality products to market. Since starting his career in 1995, Brandon has been blessed with experiences to remind him how much more there is to learn. Passionate about elevating the performance of the IT industry, he has helped numerous organizations, from startups to Fortune 100 companies, improve their product development and delivery systems. Brandon’s current interests include behavioral psychology and professionalism in the world of software development. He can be reached on Twitter and pretty much everywhere else on the web as “bcarlso.”

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