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I need to be able to restrict Adding/editing attachments based on where the person is in the workflow. Is that possible? if so, how?

We have a single Oracle DB instance hosting around 20 repositories. These repositories in turn are mapped to around 60 projects(environments). Now there is a requirement to get only one repository (mapped to around 4 proejects / environments). Can this be achieved..if so how?

Appreciate any help in this regard.


I was wondering if anyone has recently migrated from ClearCase to Subversion, or if anyone has been looking into migrating?

As well as how big the development teams using it are, and how many projects are running in parallel and have dependancies upon one another or shared/common code that needs to be merged with multiple streams of code/projects.

If so, please could you let me know as we are looking to do the same, and would like to know about other peoples experiences/challenges/decisions etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I am wondering if anyone has recently migrated from ClearCase to Subversion, or if anyone has been looking into migrating?

As well as how big the development teams using it are, and how many projects are running in parallel and have dependancies upon one another or shared/common code that needs to be merged with multiple streams of code/projects.

If so, please could you let me know as we are looking to do the same, and would like to know about other peoples experiences/challenges/decisions etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



in clearcase, while checking in an element a prompt is made to user to enter the doc_status attribute. how is this done?

Which trigger is invoked to prompt the user to enter the doc_status during check-in?

Our QA server is CA SCM R12 FP2. I created a one action workflow that performs hco from the entire repository ( -vp / -br -s "*" )

It errors out. Upon review, all the files checked out. I looked at the hco.log, and there is indeed an error, an E line claiming file.ext;2 is deleted.

Why is hco trying to check out removed items? New glitch in FP2 perhaps? Has anyone else seen this?

Additionally, I have R7 GA and R12 FP2 coexisting on my machine at the same time.

Thanks for any insight any of you may have!

We're planning a Dimensions deployment into a 3 domain environment (prod, test and dev).

Just trying to find out some of the more technical details about the deployment.

1) How do the clients/ide plugins talk to the main server? Ports/protocols?

2) How do the agents talk to the main server? Do they run under windows accounts? and those accounts are granted the r/w permissions on the deployment folders?


I am using following hco command for checking out the files from harvest for building project in Synchronize mode,

Can someone point me to an explanation of the file naming convention that Dimensions uses for the Item Library? I need to make a correlation between what's in the database and what exists on the file system.


Currently, we have added 'comments' against each 'Revision' and sometimes also apply 'Edit log message' to add or modify the mentioned messages but unable to see the history of the previous comments.

So, is there any possibility to see history of the log messages against the same Revision? Thanks!

For my product, we have 1000's of source files but only a dozen or so need to be customized to brand the product.

Right now I keep copies of those files for each customer. I merge base product changes into the branded files as part of the branding process and I overlay the base product files with the branded files as part of the build process.

Is there a better way?

Jeremy Mordkoff


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