How can I merge word documents on Synergy 7.1

Naja's picture
Naja asked on September 12, 2012 - 1:22pm | Replies (2).

We use Synergy 7.1 on Windows PC.

Do you know if there is a tool to merge word documents (parallel versions) within Synergy ? (msword supertype is binary)

Thank you for your help !

2 Answers

David Honey's picture

There are several issues trying to do this.

The first is how to do the content merging itself. There is a MS knowledge base article at However, it does not seem to describe whether the steps can be automated from the command line. You would have to ask Microsoft about that.

The second issue is that I think the Synergy GUI 7.1 does not allow merge of binary (or subtype therefrom) files. Instead, you would have to check out a working file from one of the ancestors, then perform the content merge using the steps in the KB article above (or a 3rd party tool), and then create a history link from the other ancestor to that working version. In Synergy 7.1, you cannot do this directly from the GUI, but can do so using the Synergy CLI with the ccm relate command.
I think this process is easier in Synergy 7.2.

Best regards,

danny rough's picture

i am not clear about synergy 7.1, but herei can introduce my way to merge word documents.  I do this almost daily. I use a word merger driver found on the internet . Install it and it becomes a selectable merger option.Then you can merge word documents  into one in any program at all, including Adobe Acrobat . Just open the documentss, select merge, and choice the form you want, the task will be finished in several seconds. i don't know whether it's compatible with synergy 7.1, you can have a check. if you haven't found a good choice  , you can have a try. best wishes.


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