How can I query for analysis_responsible real first and last name in Synergy?

Pawel Kopalko's picture

I'm using IBM Rational Synergy in WAN mode.

I was trying to make a script that would do a Change Request/Problem Report digest for who is responsible for analysis, who the resolver is, etc.

The problem is that these fields contain not-meaningful-userids, so they are not so meaningful.

Is there a way to get a real name of the user via ccm query without admin access?

I can see in the Change that the names are displayed "like not-meaningful-userid, Firstname Lastname" but the analysis_responsible show only not-meaningful-userid.

So my question is there a way to do it via ccm?

Thanks in advance :)

1 Answer

David Honey's picture

Synergy itself knows nothing about "real names" of users. That data is stored either in RDS (Rational Directory Server), or some external LDAP. Since the data is not stored in a Synergy database, no query can be used to find it. If you are using a 3rd party LDAP, when there might be some 3rd party tools that allow you to query the LDAP database for the information you want.

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