Hi Sofia,
It is just
cleartool unlock vob:vobname
where vobname is obviously the name of your vob
Bob Aiello, Technical Editor
I was able to lock one of our VOBs awhile back and now want to unlock it. How do you unlock it? ClearCase seems to think it no longer exists.
Hi Sofia,
It is just
cleartool unlock vob:vobname
where vobname is obviously the name of your vob
Bob Aiello, Technical Editor
The following is the Error Message I receive when I run the properties action against the locked VOB.
Error from VOB database: "\SOMM_Lite"
Trouble opening VOB database: "\SOMM_Lite"
Not a vob object: "vob:\SOMM_Lite"
Unable to resolve name "vob:\SOMM_Lite" to ClaerCase entry.
The actual path to this VOB is E\ClearCase_Storage\VOBs\SOMM_Lite_2.vbs (\SOMM_Lite)