architecture Questions


I have a number of Linux shell scripts for automation of particular operations. For example: merging SVN revisions from one branch to other, update statuses of JIRA tickets, make an Oracle eBS build from sources stored in SVN or git etc. 

I'm trying to use these automation scripts for different infrastuctures and customers. But I cannot share the script code for mentioned customers. Is it possible to put automation shell scripts in cloud and call these scripts from different infrastuctures? Are some available technical solutions how to call Linux shell scripts from cloud?

For example in cloud I could have shell function svn_merge() with parameters. But this script could be called from different infras with different parameters like "svn_merge <parameters>".

I will be happy to see any suggestions, any links to any free or commercial solutions.


Thanks in advance!



Dear Experts,

Need your expter advice in setting up a new repository structure for our product development.

We have a software product, with 15-compnents and each of the 15-components have at least 15-modules.

Earlier our admin guy had configured the Stash server for us.

The current setup is like this:
Our IT engineer had created 15-Projects in stash/bitbucket server for 15-Components
For each of the 15-modules in a given component, a individual repository was created

Thus we have around 225 + 25(for additional module), totally 250 repositories to manage.

Individual developers creates their feature branches on their respective repositories and merge them to their production branch in their respective repo, after release.

Feature branches gets created only on a particular module in a particular repository which is getting affected for that feature.

If a developer is working on a feature, which is affecting 10-modules, this developer creates a branch in each of the repository which is affectting this module. Thus he creates 10-branches for a given feature in 10-different repositories.

In this way, we have many small teams working on many individual repositories corresponding to their module. Packages are made from each of the individual repository and delivered to our infra team, who deploys the product on our hosted servers.

Since source is spread all over the place, there is no baselines/tags created for this product. Also managing these many repositories by a single CM admin is too much to handle.

As a CM admin, I’m thinking of suggesting this structure for this product.
Create a single Project (Project A) in Stash 
Create a single repository (Repo A ) in this project 
Create a folder for each Component, i.e 15-Folders, under the repository root 
(i.e Project A - /RepoA/Component1/Module1 Module2 ……Module15
/RepoA/Component2/Module1 Module2 ……Module15
/RepoA/Component3/Module1 Module2 ……Module15
/RepoA/Folder15/Module1 Module2 ……Module15)

In this way we’ll have single repository to handle and CM admin will create branches and developers will just make changes and commit their code.

Appreciate your response on these lines:

1. Is my suggestion to host a single repository for all the components correct? 
is this achievable, what is your opinion on this repository structure?

2. We are developing a multi-tier, web application using PHP, Python, and Java Script. This application gets deployed on multiple servers. By using this single repository structure, do you see any issue or obstacle at a later stage on the line of development? What precautions should we take, if any?

3. Since the application is multi-tier, developers actually develop the application in the development environment (where multiple servers are setup to create a production sort of environment) using the shared work area in the environment, at times there are chances of one developer overwriting the others' changes.

What is your opinion on this kind of development?

4. Using this repository structure, how do we resolve the conflicts? Whenever a developer tries to push/pull the changes, he/she might face multiple conflicts not only from their changes. Should we call all developers to assemble at one desk and resolve the conflicts or is there any other better way?

5. We have many set of features getting developed on different branches. At times, many components are not modified in the some branches, still we just package them and release. What is your advice on this?

As CM admin, I see lots of advantages in managing branches and merges in a single repository structure. What do you suggest for our kind of development.

I have read many articles on web about the advantages/disadvantages of having single/multiple repositories. My Dev team is not conveienced with my approach.  Thus I need answers to all my(actually their's) question in one place.

Would appreciate your detailed response for each of the above issues that we are facing.  Your assistance in this regard will be very much appreciated.

Eagerly awaiting your response.


Thanking you,


By Sofia Otts - January 8, 20141 Answer

I was able to lock one of our VOBs awhile back and now want to unlock it. How do you unlock it? ClearCase seems to think it no longer exists.

By Bob Aiello - March 10, 20137 Answers

Hi everyone,

my esteemed colleague Marc Bools and I have started working on bringing back the CM Wiki and we want you to help us with the design and requirements of a new CM Wiki!!!

Here is a hight level list of the topics from the old wiki. This is your chance to help!!

Topics you will find in the CM web 


  • Configuration Management 
  • Software Configuration Management 
  • Build Management 
  • Change Management 


  • CM Tools - Software and tools for Change and Configuration Control - HCM/SCM 
  • CM Integrations - Integration of CM tools with other tools 
  • Frequently Asked Questions 

Concepts and theories: 

  • ConfigurationManagementBodyOfKnowledge (a.k.a. CMBoK ™) 
  • CM versus SCM - Thoughts on the differences between the terms CM and SCM 
  • CM Metrics - What you could gain in time and money when using CM. 
  • CM Metaphors and Analogies -- metaphors and analogies for describing CM 

Processes and practices: 

  • Agile Development and Agile SCM - Ideas on Agile Development and how it affects CM 
  • Configuration Management Process 
  • Change Management Process 
  • Branching and Merging for Parallel Development 
  • CM and Web Engineering 
  • CM and Databases 

Templates and Examples: 

  • CM Templates - Quick templates to help you start implementing a CM solution 


  • TBD 


  • Suite Vs Best Of Breed 
  • SCM Readings - Some recommended SCM books and papers 
  • History of CM 
  • WhosWhoInSCM  

Starting points

  • TBD 

What other topics should we include?? How do we provide more value from our new and improved CM Wiki.

Drop me a line and get involved!

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
[email protected]

Hi Everyone!

this is a great time to get involved with CM Crossroads by submitting your own articles on software and systems development. CM Crossroads has always had a strong focus on Configuration Management within the full software and systems lifecycle and this means that we are interested in articles on a wide array of topics. Contact me directly to get involved with submitting your own articles and I will help you with getting started, forming your ideas and editing your article for publication.

Common topics include:

  • Build and Release Engineering
  • Source Code Management including branching and streams
  • Deployment Engineering (DevOps)
  • Development in the Cloud
  • Configuration Management (including the CMDB)
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment
  • Environment Management
  • Change Management

    and much more! 

    Bob Aiello
    Editor in Chief
    [email protected]

As there are many version control tools available, I want to know the diffenrences among them and benifites of them.

I suppose this is both a "new CM Crossroads format" opinion as well as a question.  I have now attempted to follow two links from the old ClearCase International User Group (CCIUG) and both have come up with 404 Not Found errors.  How do I find this type of data?  The search utilties I've found on the site so far are worthless and the documents are just not to be found...

Here is a quick review of the new site:

I think the new format is pretty but disfunctional.  By completely dropping the old forums and not providing an archive to keep the old linked data available I'm afraid that this site isn't nearly as useful as it was in the past.  I've always liked Bob but I have to say I miss Patrick.  With the old forums it was easy to quickly identify a location of interest and then to drill down into that or search it for more targeted relevant data.  This new format...not so much.

-michael reed

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