Hi Wayne
While access to the old site/forums would be useful (please send me access detail via the EMail associated with this site) for background searches.
The main issue (for me) is not access to old data it is much more about having a dynamic, useful ongoing dialog with my peers (and my betters ;-) )
The forum format provided this very well (and continues to provide it in thousands upon thousands of forums worldwide).
If I had a query on say Serena Dimensions - I go straight to the relevant forum and browse the posts contained....
If I had (per example) no interest in Perforce - I didn't bother even looking in the forum..... but when I did gain an interest (due to a new role or whatever) I could scan through Perforce specific posts quickly and easily...
If I came back to the site periodically I could checkout forums of interest and do a catch up....
In the "good old days" I probably visited a couple of times a day and there were always updates within some of the popular Tool sections plus in the "CM General" - this led to me (and others) contributing to running threads.
In the "good old days" CM Crossroads was THE place to go with queries above and beyond just tool techie questions (as well as a decent place for the techie questions.)
I used to come to CM Crossroads BEFORE I went to Vendor/Supplier sites/forums.
With the Q&A all this is lost. I can't browse the site "just for interest" (and add my 2p worth when something catches my eye).
I can't "eavesdrop" on an ongoing discussion between gurus (they often occured in the General Forum)
And tbh I really don't give a fig about spam and or any other "reason" for jumping off of the old ship......... That has absolutely nothing to do with the format.....
You were bombarded with spam "Whooopy Dooo" all forums get bombarded with spam (unfortunately) how does removing categorisation/forumas help that??
We were told that things would be sorted out/looked at etc back in February (you apparently do 2 week sprints) - as far as I can see not one thing has changed!!!
Can you point me at ANY site where this Q&A type format "works"??
Because - If I pick any topic (CM tool, Hobby, Interest, etc) and type it into a search engine (with or without "Help", "Discussion", "Forum" or "Q&A") my results list will include several hits with a Forum in a very similar format to the "Old CM Crossroads" ie Sections/Headings and posts/threads categorised in some way.
I really cannot understand what the difficulty is!!
This Q&A format SUCKS...........
Sorry to pile on Bob, but holy cow...!!! The removal of the forums and the CMC-facilitated webcasts is an unmitigated disaster. And what happened to the jobs section where people could post open positions and resumes? I sent our HR person here to post an opening but he was unable to do so. I didnt believe him so i had to check for myself. That was embarrassing. i know you had problems with spam, but just turn off all email notifications until a better solution can be found. What happened to the KISS principle? Instead of a fix, you reengineered the CM out of CM Crossroads.
Sorry Bob but this site used to be a great source of reference on the various tools we all use in this business. Now I am pressed to find any use outside of the great white papers that are presented here!
Sorry...but I call them a I see them...NG!