ideas to CM support towards on an Other Than Authority project?
I have been assigned as CM on an OTA project or Other Than Authority Project, very similar to IR&D or prototype. I have written a cm plan based on a department cm plan and modified for the project. But after discussion with the project lead today, and answered responses to a review of drafted CM plan. They want little to no CM support, not even recording or archiving their CDRLs. They would much rather rely on each area to draft, review, and provide CDRLs to customer early on, plus they are using Sharepoint as well to allow customer to review their CDRLs.
here is a definition of an OTA found on the web. What is Other Transaction Authority (OTA)?
Other Transactions (OTs) are legally binding instruments that may be used to engage industry and academia for a broad range of research and prototyping activities. OTs are typically defined by what they are not: they are not standard procurement contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements. As such, they are generally not subject to the federal laws and regulations that apply to government procurement contracts (e.g., FAR/DFARS).
A past company we allowed IR&D projects to do their own work and CM was only contacted if they wanted to release any of their documents, drawings, or SW as engineering releases. But none of their products could be used as formal released because they didn't go thru full formal testing. Ideas or thoughts, or suggestions.
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