In Synergy, how does one query for the "last accessed time" for a database?

Terence Tan's picture
Terence Tan asked on March 13, 2012 - 6:28am | Replies (1).

I noticed that <dbpath>/db does get a new timestamp, but since we run backups everyday, the timestamp of <dbpath>/db does not help in this case.

Is there any other means of querying for this info?

Actually, the usage is to determine if a database should still be kept live or should be archived and dropped.


1 Answer

David Honey's picture

Hi Terence,

I don't think there are any files in or under CCM_HOME or the database path that are modified when a session is started but no data is created or modified. You could try starting a session and querying for objects that were created or modified in the last N days. If a database is truly dormant and nothing has been created or modified in, say, the last 60 days, that makes it a candidate. I would still email your user community to allow people to indicate whether it is still required or not.

Best regards,

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