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Virtual Hudson Build System: The Rest of The Story

The second half of this Hudson-adoption case study sees the team working through some challenges and setbacks. Do they meet their goals? Find out how this virtualization journey ends.

Tony Sweets's picture Tony Sweets
screenshots of the new project in Hudson Virtual Hudson Continuous Build Environments: Out with the Old

A continuous build may be a great idea, but it takes more than a great idea to be successful. In this article, Tony Sweets describes his personal experience with difficult build servers and his organization's move toward a continuous build.

Tony Sweets's picture Tony Sweets
2011 Prediction: Organizations will Continue Applying Agile Strategies at Scale

With all of agile's documented successes, the methodologies are being used in areas never before seen. Scott W. Ambler looks into why agile is as popular as it is, and why its popularity will only increase in the future.

Scott W. Ambler's picture Scott W. Ambler
Top 7 trends in the Agile community for 2011

Enterprise Business Agility has arrived and is here to stay.  The case studies continue to pop up to support the successes of cultural transformation and waterfall is in the distant rear view mirror as something your dad did. Every customer we have visited this past year has been keenly interested in talking about Agile, the benefits, the risks, the journey.   From traditional bottom up SMB adoption to top down Enterprise adoption, at CollabNet we are focused on meeting with companies of all types and coaching them on how to successfully maneuver the path to Agility.  With business agility a top priority for many organizations, I was asked by the editors to do a quick round up on where we are going in 2011.  Below is my top 7 list of trends to look for within the Agile community.

Laszlo Szalvay's picture Laszlo Szalvay
What Else Does Application Lifecycle Management Need?

Joe Farah writes on what application lifecycle management (ALM) needs, plus the underpinnings and structures that are in place within a CM and ALM tool that help give the tool significant character.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Look for the “Perfect Storm” in Virtualization Management in 2011

We live in a very dynamic industry, and spend a lot of time throughout the year talking with customers, analysts and other virtualization vendors, trying to get a handle on how the market is shifting, and how market needs are changing over time.

At this time every year this activity intensifies as market leaders put their reputations on the line and make their own predictions for the new year.

Embotics has been doing this now since 2007, and has a pretty good track record when it comes to our predictions.  Although any market analyst will tell you that past success is no guarantee when it comes to predicting the future.  The market usually finds a way to humble us all.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Writing Good Test Cases

We all know writing test cases is an integral part of the testing activity. In order to write good test cases, we must first understand what a test case is and why we need to write test cases. Can’t we live without writing test cases?

Anand Gupta's picture Anand Gupta
2011 Trends and Outlook: Guesses and Wish List

I would like to say I could predict what was going to happen without fail and without a shred of doubt in 2011, but the only thing I can predict is that I will get it wrong.  That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to look ahead, we should just do so without expecting much of it to come true.  So what we end up with is simply guesses and a laundry list of things we would like to see happen.  Another way to predict is to paint with broad strokes that no matter what happens we look like we are soothsayers.  Well here are my guesses and wish list for 2011, enjoy.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Agile Predictions for 2011

What is your Agile weather report for 2011? Some have sunny Agile efforts ahead. Some are looking across the Agile landscape and into the clouds, some are looking to get introduced to agility, and others are considering strategies for Agile deployments. As we gaze in the horizon, what do we think will be hot in the Agile landscape and improve our working lives? What might be some of the latest shifts in the Agile industry in the upcoming year?

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
How Far We’ve Come (and How Far We May Go)

At the start of a new year, Michele Sliger looks back across the recent decades of information technology advancement—from the dawn of the personal computer to the abundance of social networking websites—and (with some pointers from Ron Jeffries and Linda Rising) ponders how those advances have impacted our view of change, software, and ourselves.

Michele Sliger's picture Michele Sliger


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