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Four Frequent Feedback-Gathering Flaws

Giving your customers the opportunity to provide feedback is great, but only if you don't fall into one of the four traps that Naomi Karten describes in this article. Let your customers know that not only do you want their feedback, but that you'll actually use the important info they give you.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Agile-Lean Software Development

Explore application lifecycle management (ALM) concepts and how ALM processes and tools fit into agile software development and and lean development principles.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
When Large Teams Shrink

Ben Weatherall addresses what happens when large teams shrink to the extent that they are considered small. There are several situations where this commonly happens—for example, when a team has been raided by other teams, when the majority of the work has been accomplished and a large team is no longer needed, or when the corporate situation is such that downsizing occurs.

Ben Weatherall's picture Ben Weatherall
branching strategies chart End-of-Release Branching Strategies

This two-part article explores branching strategies—development tactics that allow teams to work concurrently on different features and maintain the relationship between them. In part one, Steve Berczuk explains what branches are, common types of them, and the tradeoffs between branching styles.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Software Is Art

We can measure, study, and understand the interactions between software and individual users, but what tools exist to understand the interaction among software creators, the software itself, and millions of users? Chris McMahon says we can't look to computer science, engineering, or manufacturing for tools to understand the experience of a large audience. Instead we should look to the performing arts for help understanding the audience experience.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
Beyond Configuration Management into Application Lifecycle Management—Just a Change of Focus?

CM is an important driver for development productivity, yet remains often overlooked when discussing how the development lifecycle could be optimized. Often, this happens because of the perceived complexity of parallel strategies and additional overhead. However, today’s CM tools offer powerful capabilities that allow users to tap into that potential.

Mike Shepard
Personality Challenges Inherent in Shifting from CM into ALM

This month’s topic is a paradigm shift that requires that we move from focusing narrowly on the CM function to the much broader Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) view. I know people who cannot make this shift. From a personality perspective, these folks have great difficulty seeing the big picture and the more comprehensive lifecycle view required by ALM. There are good reasons for these problems, and in this article we’ll examine the personality challenges inherent in shifting from CM into ALM.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Agility Throughout the LifeCycle: The Rise of DevOps

DevOps is steadily gaining traction and currency, particularly in the world of web apps. Below you will find an introduction and some pointers to resources and further reading. Many DevOps principles have been around for a long time. This is similar to agile methods and, in some ways, a repackaging of existing principles.

Cloud-Driven Development

Agile methodologies aren't the only way to empower your team; utilizing cloud-driven development is another great way to improve processes throughout the development lifecycle. Testing can be done earlier, and costs can be saved, by turing toward the cloud on your next project.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Welcome to the NEW CMCrossroads

Welcome! We have been working behind the scenes to build a new Drupal-based framework for We've migrated the most valuable articles and converted the forum style discussions to a new Q&A format. Please give us your feedback and suggestions.

Wayne Middleton's picture Wayne Middleton


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