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Effective Open Source Software Adoption for Compliance with Legal Obligations

At first glance, utilizing open source software might seem likely pose potential legal hurdles, but this doesn't have to be the case. Government and even military groups have enjoyed the benefits of open source software, while making sure legal protocol was followed. Here's how it can be done.

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Can't We Just Be Nice?

Lisa Crispin explains how being nice goes a lot further than just displaying good manners; it can be the difference between a happy, productive team, and one that's completely dysfunctional and prone to failure. Learn how she's discovered this on past projects and how you can avoid the same pitfall.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Gird Your Loins: It's Time for the Annual Performance Evaluation

Vague statements and labels, one-sided evaluations, surprises, and secondhand complaints are just the sorts of things that can make a person want to run away screaming from an annual performance evaluation—probably not the best career move. In this article, Esther Derby offers some tips for dealing with these situations in a calm and collected manner.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
White Paper: Estimating Software from Use Cases

Use cases describe typical transactions between the user and the software. This paper describes a new sizing methodology based on use cases. This methodology enables product managers to use available information to perform estimates earlier in the software project life cycle before architecture and implementation decisions are made, as well as providing a framework for capturing historical data to facilitate better future estimates.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Agile, Lean, or Something in Between

Agile, and more recently lean, have dramatically shaped the landscape of software development practices. The reason is simple, they both promise to deliver higher quality products to the market faster. In this artilce, we examine some of these agile and lean promises separately and explore when one set may be a better fit over the other or how they may be combined.

Michael McCullough
Agile and Lean: Recognizing the Synergy

Bob Aiello explains the process to reaching agile comes from more than simply declaring yourself as such. The road to agile is a journal, and one that requires hard work. But once you get there, the benefits can be immense. Making sure everyone on board is dedicated to the cause to reach the goal.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Weekend Engagement

In "Growing Your Career in Tough Times," Fiona Charles writes about some of the free and low-cost things testers can do for professional development when money isn't available for courses and conferences. In this column, she describes two examples of the amazing things some testers get up to on the weekend to practice their craft, develop their skills and knowledge, and have a great deal of fun.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Tuckman Model of group development New Focus for Project Managers

The jump from traditional software practices to agile can be daunting for some project managers. After all, agile teams are all about "self-organizing," right? What's a manager to do? Michele Sliger has encountered a fair number of worried project managers and, in this article, offers a more uplifting perspective.

Michele Sliger's picture Michele Sliger
The Basics of the Palm Pre Linux

This article describes the process of initial configuration and basic work with the Palm Web OS on a lower level than what's described in the Palm SDK documents. The author also discusses how to install and configure Mojo SDK and how to work with FTP on Palm Pre.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Standards for Process Definition: ISO/IEC/IEEE

Before meeting standards like the 12207 for software life cycle process, and the the 15288 standard for system life cycle process, it's crucial to know why those standards exist, and what they're designed to help you and your team accomplish. This three-part series looks at these standards.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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