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Introducing Change

A few weeks ago I attended the Java Posse Roundup 2010, an Open Space conference hosted in Crested Butte, Colorado. There were many interesting conversations and ideas that came up during the conference; one topic I found particularly interesting was hearing accounts of how people had introduced change in their organization.

Daniel Wellman's picture Daniel Wellman
Are You Making Progress or Spinning Your Wheels?

While managing a long project, it's easy to lose track of progress. And, when that happens, how do you even know whether you're still making progress? In this article, Johanna Rothman offers suggestions to help you take your project one step at a time and keep it under control.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Are You Agile Enough?

Being agile is a means to an end; your goal is to develop better software more effectively, not to be able to wear a "We are Agile" badge. If you're considering adopting agile, you are probably doing do because your current approach isn't getting you where you need to be so it's worth giving the 'by the book' technique a shot before you try to adapt an agile method to your circumstances.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
Rocks into Gold: Part 4

This short book by Clarke Ching is a "biztech" parable for software developers who want to survive—and then thrive—through the credit crunch. We have republished the book in a four-part-series. In part four, our characters pitch Bob's plan to MegaCorp. But will business politics get in the way of a good idea? Follow the story as our characters fight to keep their jobs by implementing creative business ideas and management skills taken from agile development.

Clarke Ching's picture Clarke Ching
Examine Your Personality to Find the Right Best Practices for You

Best practices are the result of creative and hardworking professionals evaluating and communicating what works and what doesn’t. Getting the right best practice in place requires personality traits that focus on doing the right thing without regard for whether you invented the idea or perhaps learned it from someone else. Sorting through the available choices can be very difficult, and too often we focus on who came up with the idea instead of what the idea represents in terms of value. Coming up with best practices that are truly best requires that we reach deep inside our own personalities for the traits that help us excel in everything we do. This article is about how to put your personality to work for you in a creative and productive way.

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
Ten Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) "Best" Practices

In his CM: The Next Generation Seriesm Joe Farah identifies and discusses ten application lifecycle management (ALM) best practices.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
In Search of the Elusive "Best Practice"

A friend and fellow consultant has been known to react quite strongly to the phrase "best practice".  Anyone who is unlucky enough to have James within earshot when they utter that phrase is likely to receive a dressing down for using it. "There is no such thing as best practice!" he will inform them in his not-so gentle manner.  "There are only good practices that are appropriate under certain circumstances!"


Alan S. Koch
What Is a “Best” Practice?

What's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. This is especially true when it comes to labeling "best practices." Joe Townsend has a few things to keep in mind when determining "best," "better," and "good" practices in your organization.

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend
Leap IT: Lean Accelerators for Productivity improvement in IT

“Expectations from IT just keep increasing every single day “– this is a point of view echoed by several CIOs across the organizations all over the globe. Newer developments in IT like Social Networking, Green IT, Virtualization, and Business analytics are changing the way businesses are run.

Balaji OS's picture Balaji OS
CM as Communication and Coordination Enabler

This article includes some of the material that Geoff Thorpe presented at a BCS CMSG event where he discussed the control of applications using change management, release management,
and configuration management techniques. He discusses applications control from a hardware and software perspective.


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