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graph of tester job satisfaction State of the Industry

In the column, "May I Take Your Temperature?" by Linda Hayes, you were asked to rate the state of the testing industry and your current level of satisfaction as a tester. Many of you responded to Linda's survey, and the results surprised her. Linda shares a revision of her state of the industry, as reported by you!

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
White Paper: How Mature Is My Test Organization STD

Software testing, which was thought of as a support function until a few years ago, is now seen as a core function. Testers are seen as the last line of defense to determine the success or failure of a product in the field. CIO's looking closely at this area to assess quality and reduce costs, now look at how to accurately measure the effectiveness of process improvement initiatives.

Nikhil Gupta
Product and Project Software Configuration Management (SCM)

In this article, the authors discuss how software configuration fits into products and projects, beyond managing and controlling source code and other developer assets. They look at the differences between internal and external products and where project fit into the equation.

The Protective Collective Inertia of Failed IT Projects

Most projects do not fail because of bad business cases, poorly defined requirements, or inadequate testing.These are all symptoms that turn up at the project level. Project failures along with failed software process improvement initiatives, reflect a fundamental failure of "tone at the top." Often a Collective Protective Inertia Syndrome and other organizational pathologies control how decisions, including project governance decisions, are made.

Robert Benjamin
Beyond Continuous Build: Shortening the Development and Test Feedback Loop

The author walks you through the details of actually implementing a continuous quality automation infrastructure. He builds up an example that addresses both the key principles and feedback cycles.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Receptiveness to Change

Everyone responds to change differently, whether managers know this or not. A good leader knows this, and doesn't hurt the morale of a team by expecting them to act a way that their incapable of, or that feels unnatural to them. Naomi Karten brings this all to light in this article.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
How I Came to Value Commercial Build and Deployment Tools

Years ago, I learned of commercial tools that automated builds and deployments by executing a combination of command line instructions and scripts. At the time, I questioned the value that these tools could provide. Even though the tools were promoted for build and deployment automation, they did not generate the command line instructions and scripts to actually build and deploy applications. The new tools did not replace existing build tools like Ant and make. Instead, the tools required that their users provide the build and deployment scripts. Surely, I could create one top-level script to build my application and another top-level script to deploy it. Why would I need a commercial framework to run my build and deployment commands and scripts?

Michael Sayko
The Test Manager's Vade Mecum

Testers and test managers who come equipped with their own practices and tools can save time and effort and get a head start on their projects. In this column, test manager and consultant Fiona Charles describes the "go with me" collection she has built over many years and projects to help leverage her varied experience and provide a quick start on new deliverables.

Fiona Charles's picture Fiona Charles
Speaking 101

In this bonus session from the Better Software Conference & EXPO, Lee Copeland speaks about the process of choosing session speakers for Software Quality Engineering conferences and offers some tips to help you down the path toward becoming a better speaker.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Applying Configuration Management to Agile Teams

A variety of agile software development methods and practices have now been around for a solid ten years and existed for at least another ten years prior. Configuration management (CM) for agile development has now been discussed since the turn of the century. So what are the core principles of CM and how can CM help agile teams?

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira


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