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Software Configuration Management For Small Teams

Small software teams rarely follow best practices, nor do they use their tools to the full extent. Implementing some of the practices listed in this article can help your software configuration management strategy increase its value to your organization.

"Agile" Means Disciplined SCM

For many people, Agile software development congers up the thought of "undisciplined" software development. The reality is that using an Agile approach to its greatest benefit requires discipline in a variety of ways.  None is more critical than the discipline of software configuration management. Agile teams are generally small, but their SCM needs are big. 


Alan S. Koch
Can Configuration Management Defend You Against Information Asymmetry?

Information Asymmetry is what happens when one party to a transaction has more relevant information than the other, and doesn't share it. Configuration management, done right, has the power to eliminate asymmetry, or at the very least - lessen its impact on projects.

Robert Benjamin
Your Small Business Can't Afford to Not Invest in SCM

It used to be that SCM was a complex and effort-intensive process that small projects and businesses could not affort to invest in. Tools were expensive, automation was a daunting task, and the imposition of process on the small development team would take away the small business advantage of moving quickly. Today, and certainly in the next generation of CM, quite the opposite is true. How can that be?

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Attacking Waste in Software: Three Practices We Must Embrace Now

In this keynote presentation from the Better Software Conference & EXPO, Jean Tabaka proposes three pivotal practices that we must embrace to aggressively attack waste in software delivery—software-as-a-service, community, and fast-feature throughput.

Jean Tabaka's picture Jean Tabaka
A Tale of Two Trees

Our discussion of source control must begin by defining the basic terms and describing the basic operations. Let's start by defining two important terms: repository and working folder.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Learning Make with the Towers of Hanoi

The Towers of Hanoi puzzle consists of a small board with three pegs on it. On the left most peg a stack of discs is arranged in descending order of size: the largest disc is on the bottom.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Write Now

Software professionals excel at writing code, test plans, and other types of technically oriented documents. However, many of them struggle when it comes to writing of a non-technical nature. Naomi Karten offers tips for strengthening your ability to write articulately and compellingly.

Naomi Karten's picture Naomi Karten
A Framework for Agile

Bob Aiello discusses how CM and agile practices can go hand in hand - provided that you have a solid framework to work with. With agile's popularity seemingly always on the rise, alongside the need for CM, learn how having both benefits everyone onboard.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Dimensions of SCM Challenge #4 - Schedule & Technological Diversity

Technological Diversity-systems built atop multiple, varied technologies-is highly correlated with deployment rather than installation. This may be because diverse systems tend to have several contributing development teams, and because the natural modularity of the systems encourages the separate release of components. Because of this correlation, technologically diverse projects are a significant challenge for CM practitioners, and we will look at it here.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor


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