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Using CM to Enhance the Testing Process

One of the simplest ways to enhance QA's ability to manage the test process is to put the QA group's Test Cases under CM control. Besides being an industry best practice, putting Test Cases under CM control will also help to qualify your organization for CMM Level 2. Depending on the features and functions of your firm's CM tool, putting Test Cases under CM control can provide the following benefits:

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
What Links the Requirements to Tests in Development Today?

What’s happened to the links between requirements and tests? How do we know what to test and when? How do we, and the customers, know we got the system being built right? What’s the traceability between the two disciplines?

Charles Edwards
Making directories in GNU Make

This article looks at a variety of ways to achieve directory creation in GNU Make and points out a common trap for the unwary.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Migrating to Subversion

In this article, we will look into the process of migrating from other version control systems to Subversion. Development teams decide to switch to Subversion for a wide variety of reasons. For many, SVN delivers new and desirable features which were lacking in their former system - usually because that system's design was much older than Subversion's. Such is the case with CVS, and for some commercial systems as well.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Characteristics of the Agile SCM Solution

This article focuses on the characteristics of SCM solutions, tool, and environments that are necessary to for agile development to succeed, particularly about agile SCM striving to be as transparent and "frictionless", automating as much as possible.

"Agile" Change Management: From First Principles to Best Practices

This month we will discuss what agile change management is, what it means, and how to do it. First, we will describe what we mean by agile change management and give some examples of the relevant parts of some agile methods. We will then discuss how to make change management agile and some of the principles and techniques behind it.

Back to CM Basics: Change Control

This topic has in all likelihood been discussed and hammered more than any other CM-related subject.  But it's a good idea to revisit it now and then, especially from another prospective and point-of-view, just to keep it fresh.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Is Continuous Integration Just Another Buzz Word?

Last month we wrote that we would be addressing some questions and concerns raised by readers who gave us feedback on previous articles. We still intend to address these concerns. However, since the theme for this month (continuous integration) is one of the core "enabling practices" of agile methods like extreme programming, we felt it necessary to shift our focus this month to cover it instead of what we had originally intended.

ABCs of a Branching and Merging Strategy

Branching is both simple and complex.  For many, it is challenging to know where to begin.  This article hopes to provide a starting point, by highlighting branching concepts, providing reasons for branching, and suggesting an approach to establish a branching and merging strategy.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
Agile SCM – Build Management for an Agile Team

A number of people work together to develop a software application. The application is useful only when the components each person works on come together: the process of integration. The mechanics of integration happens during a build. Last month we discussed continuous integration. Integration implies building and this month we'll talk about the various kinds of builds one does during a development process.


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