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Multiple Views of CMMI Approach: A Case Experience

Software development processes should be optimized to compete with the world market, so companies can effectively deliver quality products on time. CMMI provides a model to help optimize development in every stage.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Business of Software Development

The software development business, once the domain of a few advanced technology companies, is now pervasive. Why? Because software is less costly and easier to modify than hardware. At first glance this is obvious; building a software telephone switch is a lot less costly than the hardware equivalent. Looking more closely, though, software products have far more features and, therefore, are more complex than hardware products. Software is easier to change, but this just adds to the level of complexity, especially on the management side. Software allows us to build products that are more complex.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
A Christmas (Configuration) Carol (Abridged)

We have endeavored in this ghostly little tale, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put our readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with us. May it haunt their houses pleasingly, and provide inspiration this season!

Makefile Optimization: $(eval) and macro caching

The $(eval) function was introduced in GNU Make 3.80 but was a little buggy, 3.81 has fixed those bugs in $(eval) is ready for prime time.  $(eval)'s argument is expanded and then parsed as if it were part of a Makefile.   

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
Lightweight Code Reviews: Team Building for the Rest of Us

The author explores the people side of peer code reviews. Besides the technical and quality benefits, peer code reviews help build better teams. Believe it!

Jason Cohen
SCM Design Patterns: Version Control & Multiple States

The Version Control design pattern is seen when you only want to capture iterations (versions) of static items such as documents, simple applications, and project baselines. Other features of simple version control are that you want to capture and control items while guarding against the loss of any item, maintain an audit trail of each item, and allow for roll back of items to an earlier version. The next design pattern is Multiple States, where you need to track unique collection of items that represent the application at a certain point in the lifecycle of the development process

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Agile SCM and Requirements

The process of eliciting software requirements is a specialist area with many of its own techniques and practices. This month the authors look at how agile software configuration management fits in with software requirements.

Configuration Management in an SOA Environment

I am the Programme Configuration Manager for the SOA programme for a large UK financial company, which have adopted an SOA approach for creating new services to replace existing

Part of the problem which I have found when first trying to come up which a Configuration Management strategy, is that normally you can go to the internet and there are lots of articles on a subject in a particular area. However, what I found was that there is very little and what there is, is mostly theoretical even from well established names.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Configuration Management and Simplicity - The Five "T" Approach to Keeping it Simple

Let's face it, software configuration management can be downright overwhelming, and its
complexity can challenge the most organized project manager. 

When The Standish Group conducted research to analyze the successes and failures of software projects, they found that 8 out of 10 projects are unsuccessful.  Furthermore, nearly a third of all projects are so poorly executed, they are nixed before they are finished. 

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Going Abroad--Part II

Many organizations currently experiment with offshore development, and Jochen Krebs is trying to find a good reason why the outsourcing trend has become so popular. In part 2 of his three part series, he explores the low-cost parameter of the offshore business model.

Jochen Krebs


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