ALM & SCM Tools


Tool Integration Approach An Overview of the ESB-Based Tool Integration Approach

Business users who tend to follow the enterprise service bus model to implement SOA for tool integrations are yet to optimize their effort and investment. It is imperative that businesses are completely aware of why, when, and how to select the right ESB solution to build an integrated ALM ecosystem, and they should know what to ask an integration vendor in order to get the most out of the deal. This article takes them through the critical steps of choosing an appropriate ESB solution.

Sanat Singha's picture Sanat Singha
Deployment Automation Consider Deployment Automation to Add Business Value Faster

“Business value sooner” is a simple phrase, but it has been pondered by the best IT project managers. Deployment automation provides business value sooner, which makes for a better return on investment. It not only gets features to market sooner but also gets defects resolved faster.

James Sullivan
Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management for Truly Agile Organizations

Technology-driven companies, regardless of size and scale, are facing the increasing need to ship better code faster while meeting business requirements. This requires collaboration and interaction among the traditional information technology infrastructure library (ITIL), information technology service management (ITSM), and development teams for a truly agile organization to emerge.

Rohit Mukherjee's picture Rohit Mukherjee
The Technology behind Rich Internet Applications The Technology behind Rich Internet Applications

Alejandro Felipe writes on the technology behind rich internet applications (RIA) in service-oriented architecture (SOA). With this knowledge, you'll be better able to build and support web applications using technologies such as Ajax and JavaScript and development frameworks, including BackBone Router and Model View Controller (MVC).

Alejandro Felipe's picture Alejandro Felipe
 Four Solutions Compared How to Test Your Website on Multiple Browsers: Four Solutions Compared

Robbie Bridgewater writes on the difficulty in finding bugs during testing since no single computer can run all of the major browsers—not to mention the added challenge of testing various mobile operating systems. In this article, Robbie compares four possible solutions to this dilemma.

Erle Bridgewater's picture Erle Bridgewater
Why You Cannot Afford to Overlook Environment Management Why You Cannot Afford to Overlook Environment Management

Environment management is an essential function in any complex, mission-critical system. Unfortunately, environment management is often overlooked and, even when addressed, usually only handled in the simplest way. Keeping an eye on your environment is actually one of the most important functions for IT operations. Bob Aiello explains how to get started with environment management.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Agile ALM for Delivering Customer Value: Getting Started

In this first part of a two-part series, Mario Moreira writes that a reasonable application lifecycle management (ALM) product will have a common user interface for utilizing the ALM functionality. It will also include a meta-model and process engine to parse and share information across and amongst the various functions within the ALM framework. These technical needs must be accompanied by a strong business case for delivering higher customer value and new approaches for seamless integration.

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
What Is CM Architecture, Anyway?

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah writes that there are two sides to answering that question. One deals with your CM solution’s architecture, and the other, which may be closely related, deals with the architecture of your tools.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
After Ten Years: One Person's Stance on the Agile Manifesto

In his CM: The Next Generation Series, Joe Farah often writes about ALM relative to agile. In this article, he lays out his views on the Agile Manifesto specifically. From collaboration and clear communication to the focus on individuals over tools, Joe covers what works, and what he thinks could work better.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Arming Advertisers versus Users: Social Media Platforms at Odds`

Twitter and both made headlines recently by taking completely different approaches to reach the same goal: dominance in the world of social media.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst


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