ALM & SCM Tools
People, Processes and Tools: The Three Pillars of Software Development Every project is dependent upon people, processes, and tools: they are how the work gets done. These three essential elements are not equal, though, as each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Each one provides a different value to our projects.
Alan S. Koch
June 22, 2009 |
Invest in Your Tools for More Productivity There are a wealth of open source and commercial tools available to help us build software. However, sometimes we get stuck using tools in ways that are not optimal for our project. In these cases, investing some time to make the tools work for us can make substantial improvements in productivity. |
Beware the IDE: The Risks of Standardizing on One IDE Two topics that are likely to launch a development team into an impassioned discussion are development standards and development environments (IDEs, editors, etc). Combining the two topics into that of standardizing on development environments, is even more likely to spark debate. Decisions about development tools affect the day to day workings of each person on the team as well as the productivity of the team, and as such are important to discuss as a team organizes itself. |
A Word with the Wise: Assessment First with David Dang David Dang, a senior practice manager for Questcon Technologies, explains why you need think about the tool you select. According to Dang, the assessment of the project and its goals should always come first in test automation projects, otherwise, you risk maintainability issues down the road. |
A Word with the Wise: Expanding Testing Horizons In this Sticky ToolLook interview, Danny Faught shares insight onto his earliest days as a tester, the skills he's acquired throughout his career, and skills and tools he believes every tester should posses. |
Using a Commercial Tool to Automate a Build and Deployment Process The use of a commercial tool to automate your build and deployment process saves time and money. In this article, Michael Sayko explains how to go about selecting the right tool for your specific project and team's needs, and then how to use that tool efficiently. |
Michael Sayko
September 15, 2008 |
Optimizing CruiseControl for Continuous Integration CruiseControl is a great tool for preventing against data loss and corruption. Michael Sayko explains in this article how this continuous integration tool can be implemented to assist development projects, even across the enterprise level. |
Michael Sayko
May 5, 2008 |
How Audit Trails and Traceability Mitigate Risk Traceability doesn't prevent errors and an audit trail does little to help me to recover from one. Does this mean they aren't valuable CM tools? On the contrary, audit trails and traceability are two of our most important CM tools for learning how to mitigate risk. |
Alan S. Koch
August 20, 2007 |
Finding the Missing LINQ After years of searching for and being disappointed by database tools, Tod Golding found a solution when he wasn't looking. Microsoft's Language Integrated Query (LINQ) provides a dynamic bridge for the gap between developer and database. |
A Practical Approach for Selecting and Adopting an SCM Tool Wanted: A software configuration management (SCM) tool that (a) provides the capabilities necessary to support an organization's software development process, (b) integrates seamlessly with the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), (c) facilitates the organization's change management process, (d) facilitates the organization's build process, (e) requires only modest training for technical staff , and (f) encourages proper and effective use by technical staff. |
Michael Sayko
June 29, 2006 |
Recommended Web Seminars
On Demand | Building Confidence in Your Automation |
On Demand | Leveraging Open Source Tools for DevSecOps |
On Demand | Five Reasons Why Agile Isn't Working |
On Demand | Building a Stellar Team |
On Demand | Agile Transformation Best Practices |