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Refine Your People Skills for Working in a Cloud-Based Development Environment Interfacing with all of the stakeholders in a cloud-based development environment presents unique challenges. Your people skills may very well determine whether or not you get what you need. Read on if you would like to be more effective in developing in the cloud. |
Cloud-Driven Development: Four Things You Need to Know With immediate availability, scalability, and dramatic cost savings, cloud computing is revolutionizing the way business works. While the economic justifications for this new technology cover a broad range of IT initiatives, developing software is perfect for the elasticity offered by the cloud. |
Dynamics of a Small Team When Implementing CM and ALM Small teams can have big dynamics that threaten the team’s success in terms of productivity and effectiveness. This article will examine some of the essential people issues that arise when implementing software configuration management (SCM) and application lifecycle management (ALM) with small teams. |
Top Ten Requirements for Your CM and ALM Strategy Joe Farah takes an in-depth look at the top ten requirements needed for a successful next-generation configuration management and application lifecycle management solution strategy. |
Release Management and Deployments: Why Is This So Important? Why do we wait to discuss releases and deployments until the last minute? Is this a result of our lack of planning and knowledge, or is there a deeper reason why we fail to plan properly? Joe Townsend digs into the release and deployment portions of the SDLC to try to shed some light on why we tend to neglect these crucial steps. |
Eight Ways to Release Failure—A Checklist “We don’t release software. It escapes!” (Carl, my former boss and a VP of Development) My former boss, Carl, once tried enticing me to join his management team by emphasizing how badly the company could use my process discipline skills; it worked. I felt bad for them, and I was intrigued by the challenge. But, I learned at least as much as they did during my tenure there. Over the course of my career, I have seen many instances of people failing at release management. In this article, I highlight eight statements that I have heard over the years from people in our line of work. Even though these people abide by these statements, they would never dare to repeat them out loud. I hope you will find inspiration not to follow these sayings! |
Alan S. Koch
September 19, 2011 |
How to Build a CM and ALM Strategy Joe Farah writes that a next-generation CM and ALM strategy may seem aggressive, but it will help ensure that you're happy with the result. It will make sure that you deal with the entire problem domain from an organization perspective, rather than just the part your team is traditionally comfortable with. |
Handling Personality Issues of a Team Establishing Process IT professionals are often surprised to discover that it’s a bigger challenge to handle the people side of establishing process. This article gives you a head start on handling the implicit personality issues that are found in establishing process and more process. |
Testing Release Management in the Cloud For many organizations, cloud computing has transitioned from a hyped buzzword into a reality in regards to their business operations. Many more enterprises are realizing the benefits of remote hosting IT services rather than local IT management, especially as managing and operating IT networks and services is not getting any easier. |
Dan Joe Barry
August 11, 2011 |
Aspects of Release Management The lack of proper planning can doom any project, or team. By involving every stakeholder, release management is made easier by helping to ensure customer satisfaction. Deadlines are able to be met, and with the exact product your customer had in mind. |
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