configuration management Questions

Is there any certification available in India If yes please share details for same

I would like to know of the latest releases of Rational DOORS, Rational Synergy and Rational Change is Windows Server 2012 compliant.


Thanks in advance,



By Karthik SP - June 29, 20151 Answer

Please suggest technical certifications that will add more value to my profile. I have 8 years of SCM experience. Thanks. 

We have a few shared projects used as buckets for adhoc pieces of code, and it looks like one of them was checked in 3 weeks ago; they normally sit at 'shared' status, but one has now changed to 'test' status and build managers are now unable to add new objects (permission denied to workarea folder).

Is there an easy way for me to move this project back from 'test' to 'prep' that anyone knows?

Thanks in advance


I am Trying to Intgrated FinalBuilder to TFS 2013, there is no steo by step Documentation



On Unix, with solairs:
I have a baseline with subprojects that I am trying to get to disk. The documentaion says using 'copy to file system' will put the date of the file to the copy time. (It appears though to be related to the setting of wa_time or not.) We want the create/edit time of the file when we put it to disk, and with the documentation saying what it does, I am trying to use ccm work_area to set the paths of the parent and each subproject and then unmaintain it. The parent project is a grouping project with the subprojects set to not being relative to the parent because we use them in other grouping projects (like include_variant and src_variant).

Sitting in directory X, I run 'ccm work_area -maintain_wa -copy_based -not_modifiable -setpath "/home/X/y/z/" -no_recurse -project subprojectA~1

What happens is, the project dumps correctly as "/home/X/y/z/subprojectA/files" but it also does "/home/X/parent_project/subprojectA as symbolic link to /home/X/y/z/subprojectA"

It creates the parent_project directory with the inner symbolic subproject name where ever I am sitting when I do the setpath of the ccm work_area.

Why is it creating a parent_project directory and the symbolic links? The Int and Sys projects work fine. Does it have something to do with it being a baseline? (I have the 'use project version in path' turned off.)

Thanks (I have spend hours on this)

Wondering if anyone has come accross this issue? (It's not a show stopper but has got me scratching my head)

I am trying to "migrate" some Items from an existing Dimensions Product into a new Product.
NB I am in essence cloning "part" the old Product.
I do actually want to create new CI/items rather than variants of the existing CI/Items.
The new CI/Items will all be V1 with no history etc in the new Product.

So pretty simple steps:
1) Get copies of the Items I want
2) Load them into new Product
3) Prove they are identical *see below
4) Get on with my life.......

As I did a direct get from old and load to new I "know" they are identical I am just "documenting" the proof for the end user.

I have set up a few scripts to:
a) Run diff/compares between the fetch from New Dimensions (O/S directory structure) vs fetch from Old Dimensions (O/S directory structure) and saved report (They are identical :-) )
b) Run detailed directory listings showing dates, sizes etc and produced a compariosn report. (They are identical :-) )
and finally:
c) Produced seperate output from Dimensions listing all (relevant) Dimensions metadata and produced a comparison report......... THEY ARE DIFFERENT!!!

For some files (a very small subset) the Dimensions metadata for "CHECKSUM" and "FILES SIZE" don't match!!
(Revised Date (UTC) DOES match).....

I have loaded the offending files a few times and they always produce the same values for this metadata (& the file size value ALWAYS matches the O/S file size).

So basically the "old" values for this metadata is "wrong"!!!

I have no way of reproducing this (as all experiments now produce "correct" values)....

The only thing I can think is that this is in some way connected to the various character translations between UNIX and Windows (as all the files "could" have been via UNIX at some point).

As mentioned it's not a show stopper (as I KNOW the files are OK) but if anyone has any ideas/experience I'd like to know!!


I'm looking for any suggestions anybody might have of real parameters that are mesurable and could be used to improve the quality and robustness of Configuration Management Business Cases to encourage the adoption of CM as early as possible in new programmes and projects

By Bob Mosu - March 25, 20152 Answers



I am new to CA SCM. We are currently running version 12.1.03. I am wondering if, as a regular user, I can run a command/set of commands so I can get an output of the following form:


Please provide a set of instructions on how I can get this info running at command line CA SCM commands.

Thank you,



I like to know the output of a command from Synergy 7.1. Since, we have already moved to the newer version Synergy 7.2, I dont have environment to check this. This output of this command is needed for modification in one of our internal script.

If you still uses Synergy 7.1, may you able to provide me the output of the following command:
ccm properties -f %status% non-existing-object-four-partname

Following output is resulted in Synergy 7.2 ::
ccm properties -f %status% non-existing-object-four-partname
CRCCG1025E The value 'non-existing-object-four-partname' for the object_spec argument is not valid.
CRCCM0302W The object specified by 'non-existing-object-four-partname' does not exist.
Recommendation: Read the Synergy help for information about this command.

Best Regards

Deepak Bawankar


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