Looking for recommendations on Inventory Management/RMA Tracking software that integrate with Arena Solutions Looking for recommendations on Inventory Management/RMA Tracking software that integrate with Arena Solutions
Why Software Development Companies Will Migrate Toward Cloud-Hosting Solutions Uday Kumar examines some of the key drivers for software development companies marching toward cloud-hosting solutions. Change is the only constant. While technologies will keep evolving to help us overcome challenges, there, of course, will be new and emerging challenges.
The Amazing Benefits of Integrated ALM Tools For years, developers have struggled with using individual lifecycle management tools, but no longer! Joe Farah walks you through a history and benefits of an integration of ALM tools that every team should seriously consider.
CM, ALM Engineer in Toronto, ON - web, tfs, sql - [email protected] ? CM, ALM Engineer in Toronto, ON - web, tfs, sql - [email protected]
Can i schedule a promotion in Dimensions? I need a way to schedule a promotion in dimensions for use with a deployment
What CM Professionals Need to Know about Business Requirements While we know the technology, some configuration management (CM) experts don’t always have a strong enough business focus, which can be a real problem. Read on if you would like to understand what CM professionals need to know about business requirements and how CM can directly impact the business itself.
Difference Between Configuration Control and Version Control Can someone please explain the difference between configuration control and version control?
CM JOBS I am presently a Configuration Manager, unemployed.
Looking for employment in the Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio (or 50mi rad.) area.
Anyone with job opportunity please contact me.
[email protected]
Use subject: CM Cross Job
How DevOps Can Help You Deal with Overly Aggressive Team Members Leslie Sachs explains what to do when members of your team exhibit overly aggressive or downright combative behaviors. Because you’re unlikely to change your colleagues' modus operandi, it is wise to instead consider how your DevOps effort can benefit from taking into account some typical behaviors of people with Type A or Type B personalities.
How to Build Reliable Systems Bob Aiello describes some of the essential techniques necessary to ensure that systems can be upgraded and supported while enabling the business through frequent and continuous delivery of new system features.