configuration management


Can anyone advise on the role of CM in software code reviews?

I have a development background, but haven't written code in over ten years. Our shop is primarily C++.

Mike Clay's picture Mike Clay
Configuration Management and DevOps Stories 2013's Biggest Configuration Management and DevOps Stories

In 2013, we saw a remarkable number of system glitches involving large trading systems and the exchanges themselves along with a significant number of large banking systems. Bob Aiello writes how these incidents put DevOps best practices and configuration management in the spotlight of many technology reports.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
SVN branching strategy question

This is regarding SVN branching strategy- What is harm in deleting trunk and copying branch to trunk to reflect production code which was delivered from Branch.

It is known that history on trunk will be lost however history on the repository still exist and any file at any revision can be recovered. So what would be issues with deleting trunk and recreating trunk from branch.

Ajay Kanse
Implement Agile without Breaking the Bank Ways to Implement Agile without Breaking the Bank

James Sullivan explains popular agile frameworks and outlines their costs and benefits. If you're worried that you are at a place where you cannot make the sort of investments that these agile frameworks require, James is here to discuss foundational agile practices that can provide you key benefits without the costs associated with these kinds of agile brands.

James Sullivan
can I merge harvest approver groups

I have a large group of projects that are set to use a particular user group for approval and notifications.

I need to switch them to use a different existing group.  

John Stafford's picture John Stafford
Configuration Management Needs Analytics Why Change and Configuration Management Needs Analytics

Analytics-driven management stands to end the key challenges that constrain change and configuration management. By applying powerful analytics to the overwhelming change and configuration data, IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) technology can turn massive amounts of information into clear, actionable insights.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Facility Capital Project Deliverables Configuration Management of Facility Capital Project Deliverables

Many large-scale projects require a remarkable number of deliverables that can be challenging to manage and maintain. This article explores the facility capital project information and the need for the owner/operator (O/O) to explore the individual deliverable documents to develop a listing of digital content necessary to support facility lifecycle processes.

David Lawton's picture David Lawton
Using DevOps to Develop Reliable Software

How do we build more reliable, complex systems in a way that is both pragmatic and economically feasible? Many of the DevOps practices provide the key to building better software that can be maintained, upgraded, and supported from its first installation to its eventual retirement when the system is no longer required.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Securing the Trusted Application Base Securing the Trusted Application Base

Corporations, government agencies, and other institutions need to embrace industry best practices that have been proven to help develop and implement reliable systems. One of the most important considerations is the need for a secure, trusted application base. This article will help you get started delivering systems that can be verified and supported while continuously being updated as needed.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Software configuration management and agile software development expert Steve Berczuk Present Day and Future CM Tool Features: An Interview with Steve Berczuk

We're sitting down with CM experts to discuss not just their backgrounds in the field, but what their favorite tools are and why. This week, Steve Berczuk provides a great deal of information on what tools he prefers to use today, and what he would love to see from them in the future.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst


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