configuration management


Configuration Management Interoperability Solution A Configuration Management Interoperability Solution

David Lawton writes that with a few changes to capital project business processes and the implementation of a content management interoperability services (CMIS) database, operations content can be extracted directly from originating tools and populated into a data model that helps operations manage the lifecycle configuration. Consuming the project content during the project provides a vehicle to transform and feed subsequent processes.

David Lawton's picture David Lawton
Is SCM dead?

I feel lost now. I have been a SCM consultant with IBM tools for more than 10 years. Now it's all gone.

First, IBM tools are getting out of business. Most of companies moved to the 10 times cheaper and maybe better open source tools such as GIT, TeamCity and JIRA etc. There is no way IBM can compete with them, even with the new RTC. They are just so much cheaper and in today's business, cheaper is what the management want.

Second, when come with open source tools, people think everybody can work with it. Just let devevelopment team install it and use it. And because it's cheaper, nobody will seriously question it. So there is no need for SCM consultants. Doesn't matter about branching strategy anymore. In my current company, people just install these tools without even an architecture and design document. I guess they just start to use it and will figure out things later.

So where is our next job?



Jirong Hu
Is necessary for software configuration management to be familiar with a products software requirments?

I am doing a cleanup of  a projects unorganized configuration of their software product(s).  I am working very closely with software/hardware quality.  They recommended I look at the requirements for the products.  I don't have a problem looking at them but I just don't want the project to think I will eventually be responsible with ensurinig their software is meeting their requirments.  What if any level of responsibilty should I set to review or be familiar with their requirments?

Mary Covington's picture Mary Covington
Is there a CM Plan sample with IUID language?

I am in the process of updating a CM Plan to include IUID requirements. Is there currently a CM Plan which has the necessary language?

Trusted Application Base Why Target Needs a Secure, Trusted Application Base

Target’s well-publicized disclosure that customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) had been compromised is the latest software “glitch” that is getting a fair amount of attention. Read on if you would like to know how to secure your systems without having to rely upon security scans that only detect the presence of a problem after it is already on your server.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Unable to create new CV type

Hi All,
I am using Synergy 7.1. I am trying to create a new CV type. But, I get a warning message "Unable to create new CV type '<type_name>'". I am using ccm_admin account, and ofcourse with classic client. Also, this type does not exist.
Since it is only warning message, I am unable to trace the reason.
Any suggestion ?


Deepak Bawankar
A New Year, A New Focus

In this issue's Editor's Note, Ken Whitaker kicks off the new year with a push to raise awareness of better software and how you can read Better Software anywhere on your mobile device.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management for Truly Agile Organizations

Technology-driven companies, regardless of size and scale, are facing the increasing need to ship better code faster while meeting business requirements. This requires collaboration and interaction among the traditional information technology infrastructure library (ITIL), information technology service management (ITSM), and development teams for a truly agile organization to emerge.

Rohit Mukherjee's picture Rohit Mukherjee
Is there any SCM tool which allows to define dependency between any 2 Configurable Items?



Is there any SCM tool which allows to define dependency between any 2 artifacts within the project.

Technically this is possible with some tools like Maven & Make but in case of any 2 word documents can this be defined using SCM tools?



Live Life's picture Live Life
Configuration Management: The Ultimate Conductor in the Product Lifecycle

When you think of configuration management, build automation and version control usually come to mind. Dave presents a perspective that shows the important role CM plays in the entire product and project lifecycle.

Dave Lyon's picture Dave Lyon


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