A Primer on a Next Generation Application Lifecycle Management Tool Joe Farah gives a primer on a next generation ALM tool that reinforces the concepts of next generation ALM. Next generation ALM tools are, well, somewhat futuristic. After all we're talking about the next generation. But it's hard to talk about abstract and idealistic concepts if they are too hard to picture.
In ClearCase, is there a command line Join Project? I need to do a join project in a command line, so it can be part of a script. I found no CLI for it.
Anyone did it ? Or, something like:
1. Create stream acording to several pears of component/baseline. menaning:
component1, baseline1
component2, baseline2
2. Create view on that stream
Doing it with joinporject GUI is great, but I need it to be transparent to the user, so he will only chose the pears.
Language-Aware SCM Five or six years ago, the SCM arena was in a comfortable “status quo”, in which tools delivered only what developers expected (or even less) and innovation didn’t arrive at a quick pace.And then the DVCS arrived on the scene and turned the SCM world upside down.
How do I Unreserve a checkout or undo a checkout n ClearCase? I've done a search for this particular case and have found no resolutions. I have a developer who has a file checked out (reserved) in a snapshot view on his PC. He is currently out of town and someone else needs to check out that file. How can I as the vobadmin change that reserved checkout to an unreserved checkout?
If that cannot be done, how can that file be "unco"?
If I need to remove that checkout, will the following command remove all checkouts in that particular view?
[center]"cleartool rmview -tag -uuid <UUID> -avobs"[/center]
What command syntax would be used to just remove that checkout only?
Thanks in advance for responses.
Need help with Serena Business Manager TeamTrack - Transition-field attribute question Background:
A submitter opens an new item. Among all the fields on the form, Field A (unpopulated) is supposed to be visible but Read Only. The user selects the Submit transition and sends the form to the REVIEW state.
In the REVIEW state, Field A must appear as a Required field (that is, it must be populated by the Reviewer).
How do I make that happen?
I'm not the Mashups Admin, but here's the way he has it set up. Field A appears in the REVIEW state as Read Only.
Reviewer selects a transition. The form cycles. An error message appears that "Field A is required" and Field A appears as editable and required. NOW, the Reviewer can populate Field A. Reviewer then selects the OK button. Apparently this occurs because the attribute is set as "Required on Transition." How do we make it "Required BEFORE Transition."
Thanks for any and all help.
What are some tools for CMDB—configuration management database? Our organization is planning to implement CMDB for their operation. Please let me know the best CMDB tools in the market?
In ClearCase , how to apply file permission to specific group? I need to give file permissions to a specific users only.
My steps:
Setting up new CC group.
Add new group to the CC profile of people who should access to files.
Add new group to VOB.
Change file protection to new group.
Defined permission 770 to files.
But users still do not have access the files!!!!
What are SCM practices in Japan? I will be doing an SCM related talk at a Japanese company site this spring. I realize I don't know much about the Japanese SCM scene (or Japanese software development in general for that matter).
Are there e.g. any differences to the processes and tools typically used in the west?
Thus, I'd like to get in touch with Japanese SCM/software engineers and other folks who are/have been working with software development in Japan.
Domo Arigato,
How does Synergy back-end processing affect server performance? Hi Synergy experts...
I need help into understanding Synergy backend session. Doing a ccm monitor or ccm ps command provides me with details of how many process am i running on my Synergy Server.
What i wanted to learn is how this number affects my Unix box performance. We have had issues that there is a dramatic degrade in server performance due to too many running synergy process running.
I have created a little script to check there Synergy connection against my Oracle database. What I do is to kill INACTIVE process traced from oracle and map to unix process ids.
Anyone who have more knowledge how the proper process termination criteria should be?
How does AccuRev define "Revert-to-Basis?" Quiz: At any point in time, Diff-against-Backed and Revert-to-Backed refer to the same version.
a) True. The term "Backed" is used by both operations to refer to the version you started with, meaning from the time of your last update or promote operation.
b) False. Diff-against-Backed refers to the latest version in the backing stream regardless of your last update or promote operation. The version you're diffing against could be a newer version in the backing stream.
The correct answer is 'b'. AccuRev uses the term "Basis version" to refer to the version in the backing stream since your last update or promote operation. Hence, there's the option "Diff-against-Basis" to use this version. However, there is no Revert-to-Basis. Assuming there is a newer version in the backing stream, if you Diff-against-Basis and want to have that version in your workspace, you must Revert-to-Backed. Huh? |