configuration management


Is anyone aware of CA SCM being used as a "Definitive Software Library?"

What would be the Pros and Cons of using CA SCM in this way ?

Is there a better alternative that using CA SCM as a Definitive Software Library ?

Looking for guidance. All information would be appreciated on this topic.


Dennis McDaniel's picture Dennis McDaniel
Simulation Games: A Way to Improve Communication in the Team

One of the hardest daily tasks developers, QA, ScrumMasters, and product owners encounter is effective communication with others. Sound implausible? According to many articles, research, and personal observations, the main cause of project failure is not technology or hardware, but inefficient communication stemming from lack of effective communication between team members, incomplete business analysis, imprecise requirements, and vaguely formulated business objectives.

Monika Konieczny's picture Monika Konieczny
The Top Five Reasons for Orchestrated IT Service Management

Service management systems are IT’s online face to the business. Although employees rely on enterprise applications and personal productivity tools to get their jobs done, they turn to the IT service system for fulfillment when they run into problems. This article defines the top five reasons for choosing orchestrated ITSM systems, then compares and contrasts these systems to the other classes of ITSM systems in use today.

David Hurwitz
Factor in Coworkers' Personalities When Implementing ITIL/ITSM

There are many people who do not like structure. Application lifecycle management (ALM), and, even more so, IT infrastructure library (ITIL) as a framework, touch some people's buttons as being just too much structure. In this article, Leslie Sachs examines the personality factors that you need to be aware of when implementing ALM and ITIL/IT service management (ITSM).

Leslie  Sachs's picture Leslie Sachs
How to Use ALM for a Comprehensive Software and Systems Development Lifecycle

Bob Aiello explains that ALM and ITIL provide considerable guidance that can help you implement a comprehensive software and systems development lifecycle. Your organization would benefit from implementing these best practices, especially if you need to meet regulatory requirements or perhaps pass an internal audit once in a while.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Going Greener with Configuration and Supplier Management

In this age of "going green," it helps to know how to get started. These selection criteria can help data centers become more energy efficient through the course of normal hardware and software replacement.

Karen Ferris
Need help on moving VOBs on the same server with ClearCase

We're going to have to move our VOBs from one location on our server to another larger filesystem on the same computer. (in Linux, though there is a Windows box used for ease of administration)

Will we need to re-register or otherwise mess with our views to point to the right place, or will it be able to 'follow' the move, since it's only on the same computer?

My understanding of the operation is this:

1. Everyone checks everything in
2. Lock VOBs
3. Back Up VOBs
4. Unregister VOBs
5. Copy VOBs to new area, preserving permissions
6. Reregister VOBs
7. Unlock VOBs
8. Test

I shouldn't need to rmtag, or run fixprot or do a SIDwalk, right?

It's the same registry region, the same domain, the same server, just a different under-the-hood filesystem location on the server.

Mark Owens
I'm looking for a way to use the result of ccm users commande in a perl script.

Problem is ccm users opens a text file.

I would like to either save this file somewhere or save its content.

What do I need to consider when moving SVN Repo to new domain/server

I need to move my current svn repo to a new domain/server.

When I looked through the documentation, 'svnadmin dump' and 'svnadmin load' will do the job for moving a repo to a new server. My question here is what else I need to do/consider when moving to a new "domain".

The current repo is enabled with ldap and needs to work the same fashion after the migration. Any help would much appreciated. Thanks,

What is the required ClearCase/ClearQuest installation order

I have been trying to find out if there is a specific order of installation of ClearCase and ClearQuest versions 7.1.2 but haven't had any luck. Does anyone have any hard evidence of ClearCase needing to be installed first, before ClearQuest? This would be on Windows and Unix, if that matters.



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