configuration management


What are the best practices for Parallel Development in CA-SCM?

We are trying to standardize our parallel development model, and I am trying to find a best practice to accomplish what we are looking to do. Here is the scenario:

Project: App - Prod
States (each with own view): Dev, Build, QA, Prod, Closed
Repository: App

Project App - Branch1
States (each with own view): Dev, Build, QA, MergetoProd
Repository: ?

The scenario is this: the project App - Branch1 is created in the future, after App - Prod has had multiple changes go through the lifecycle. I want the code visible in App - Branch1 to be the latest in Production at the time of creation (snapshot?).

I want a Cross Project Merge process to bring changes from App - Branch1 into the App - Prod lifecycle once Branch1 is complete with code updates.

Tim Betzler
Is it possible to get the cvtype of an object given only its displayname in Synergy?

We have folders and tasks using the same naming convention, we basically operate only on these displaynames in GUI.

Now in scripting the CLI the things get a little bit more complicated, as a test has to be done to discern whether the displayname is of a task or of a folder. Is there a way via some sort of a query (or other command) to get such info not necessarily via cvtype, but in a manner that can be scripted. (cm Syn 6.5 and 7.1)


Pawel Kopalko
How to set activities to obsolete after delivery/baseline?

I'd like to automatically make activities obsolete either after they are delivered to Integration, or included in a baseline.

I can't see any clues around the net....
anyone tried or even considered this ?


Linux server vs. Windows Server for ClearCase

What actually is the benefit of using Linux as ClearCase server instead of Windows? Is there even a big difference?



ClearCase - why is File Version missing.

Did any of you ever see the version tree for the clearcase file like the below versions hierarchy ?

--------> 0 - 1 -3 -4 ( version numbers).

Version 2 is missing. I checked the history logs of the vob and the branch,but it doesn seems to be like removed. I ran the checkvob for the file, it says no misprotected or broken stuff.

If incase any of you experienced such scenario ever before, please share that experience with me.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Ashok Kumar S

Ashok Kumar Srinivasan
Need help understanding StarTeam check-in model

Hi everyone,

I am trying to understand the StarTeam checkin model.

A colleague told me that you can check a file into StarTeam even though it has not been first checked out. Is this true and, if so, how is this different than adding a new file to StarTeam? Is StarTeam using an unreserved checkout model?

any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Bob Aiello

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
New CM and numbering scheme

First off, I am new here, and I'm not positive that I'm posting in the right section, so please bare with me. I'm sure there are many questions to come.

I am a new software CM. I just got tossed into the job. I was pretty much told that I would learn as I went. I am a civilian, but working with the Air Force. I am assigned to a new platform that doesn't have anything set up already, except for we know which CM tool we are using, which is Microsoft Visual Studio.

I was told this morning that I need to set up a numbering scheme for all software. I don't even know what that means, and no one seems to be able to give me any good direction.

Can anyone help me out and elaborate what this means? I would appreciate it SO much!

Is there a PVCS to TFS conversion tool?

Hi everyone,

does anyone know of a tool to convert PVCS to TFS (including history)?

Bob Aiello

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
What port should we be using fo r Harvest r12.1 agents and ports.

With the Harvest r12.1 you have to specify a port number when using/installing an agent.

So the question is what port should we be using? I started using 5101.

Only down side I can think of is that my broker couldn’t have an agent on that same port. Currently, the broker’s agent is only used for testing. That’s no loss; I could live without an agent on the broker. I’ve also already opened 5101 on the boxes behind the firewall so by reusing that number I could avoid the inconvenience of opening up another port.

I’m I missing something? What else should I be considering?

Listen Up, Vendors! Six Requirements for ALM Tools

We in the CM/ALM community rely on tools, but how do we pick the best tools for the job? These six requirements outline what we look for in our ALM tools and what we don't want to see. Vendors, take heed!

Joe Townsend's picture Joe Townsend


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