configuration management


If you customise a COTS application through configuration what is it?

There are a lot of COTS products nowadays that can be customised through configuration and scripting which can significantly change the functionality, so are these still COTS or are they MOTS (Modified-of-the-shelf) or are they something else?

My specific question is about ServiceNow where you can modify the CMDB structure, change and add workflows; create scripts and even change the layout of screens etc. All of this is done through ServiceNow itself and you do not need to develop any 'external' code. Remedy is another tool where this happens.

So do these changes mean that it has been "modified"; is it just a configuration of a COTS, or is it something else?



Gary Fehring's picture Gary Fehring
Multifaceted Development Environment How to Efficiently Set Up a Multifaceted Development Environment

The matrix of infrastructures and platforms developers require presents a number of different options to set up and administrate the ecosystem. Rami Honig describes his company’s journey to create a robust development environment that is functional and collaborative.

Rami Honig's picture Rami Honig
Code Review Tool - Perforce Swarm Vs Fisheye Crucible

We have a code review tool Atlassian Fisheye+Crucible already implemented, but we are using this with Perforce as our version control tool. Since Perforce has another code review tool "SWARM" we'd like to evaluate this tool. But need to know the benefits of using this tool over Crucible with fisheye.

SOme of the benefits I know is:

- efficient Pre-Commit code reviews
- No extra database to administrator
- Performance - Swarm executes transactions much faster than Crucible because Swarm is so tightly integrated with Perforce
- Ability to commit code from SWARm UI

I need to know from a core technical perspective if there is any other benefits.

Deepak Khanna's picture Deepak Khanna
Project Management ALM Using Project Management to Orchestrate Collaboration in ALM

The biggest challenges of current application lifecycle management processes are dispersion of teams, muddied transitions, and the constant movement of information and artifacts. Project management tools compensate for this constant exchange by providing artifact repositories, streamlined task management, and visibility across the board.

Aleks Peterson's picture Aleks Peterson
Database Changes Create Your Own Assembly Line-Style Migrations for Database Changes

In an increasingly data-driven world with ever-changing systems, having an automated process for database migrations is a valuable practice. Instead of people having to keep track of each file, table, procedure, or object being modified, a tool can make database deployments more automatic and less excruciating, saving time and reducing errors.

Karthikraj Sriram's picture Karthikraj Sriram
IT Operations Analytics Streamlining the Management of Hybrid Clouds with IT Operations Analytics

A hybrid cloud incorporates—not just bridges between—public and private clouds, enabling businesses and their IT organizations unprecedented flexibility. But a transition to a hybrid cloud brings its own set of challenges. Sasha Gilenson addresses some of these difficulties and offers some IT operations analytics solutions.

Sasha Gilenson's picture Sasha Gilenson
Build Management to DevOps From Build Management to DevOps: Lessons Learned

When a team works across multiple build systems with a variety of tools, conditions, and approaches, a unified vision can help people move forward and be successful. This article shares lessons learned when migrating from build management to DevOps in an enterprise environment.

Eitan Schichmanter's picture Eitan Schichmanter
What is the best project structure and merge flow for TFS?

I'm have promarily used Subversion in the past, and the structure we used was:

/branches    - Self evident name for branch management

   /int          - Integration branches

      /projectA_effort_q4_2014 - Integration branch for release on q4 of 2014

   /usr         - Individual engineers branches

      /fred    - Fred's set of branches

         /some_bug - Fred's branched from somewhere to fix some bug

      /sally    - Sally's set of branches

         /some_feature - Sally's branched from somewhere to add some feature

/tags          - Self evident name for tagging

   /projectA_v1.0 - Tag of projectA at version 1.0

/trunk         - Trunk for various projects

   /projectA  - ProjectA

   /projectB  - ProjectB

/vendor      - Repo path for storing pristine drops of 3rd party code used in various projects

   /acme     - Vendor name of a 3rd party source of code

James Hanley's picture James Hanley
Advice or test management tool that can help manage a short term partly outsourced project?

A new project we got will force us to add a few more testers for the duration of the project (estimated around 8 months). We will probably outsource this extra testing alongside us. My question really has to do with any advice or tool anyone of you uses or knows of that will be a smart way to manage this effort?

Richard Clay
Integrated ALM Solutions Implementing Integrated ALM Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide

Even with the increasing availability of highly effective integrated ALM solutions, lots of companies are still using a fragmented software ecosystem they have adopted over the years. This article explores the benefits of and the costs associated with migrating to an integrated system in order to maximize efficiency.

Kristof Horvath's picture Kristof Horvath


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