Manage the Business Risks of Application Development with Continuous Testing Continuous testing provides a real-time, objective assessment of the business risks associated with an application under development. Ultimately, continuous testing can provide a quantitative assessment of risk and produce actionable tasks that will help mitigate these risks before progressing to the next stage of the software development lifecycle.
Industry Expectations for Today’s ESB-Based Integration Products Most organizations have accepted the commercial benefits of using enterprise service bus-based integration products in their software projects. However, the industry expectations for an ESB product are ever increasing. This article will explain how vendors are trying to cope with the demand.
What Is Release Management, and Why Is It Needed? This article talks about what release management is, then tells you how to implement the concepts in an organization by explaining what skills are needed, how release managers work within a team, and how the process is related to continuous integration.
Moving IT Operations into Fire Prevention Mode Continuing to manage highly complex IT environments in a reactive mode leaves IT specialists vulnerable, when really they need to understand the actual causes and effects of what’s happening among the many technologies in use across the enterprise. Instead of constantly fighting fires, IT operations teams should aim to prevent the fires from starting.
Are model-based solutions of software configuration management exists? I mean models or domain specific languages to represent complex scm process (version control, identification, build management etc.). Maybe exist some approach allows to represent bridge from abstract process to choise of real tools and implementation.
For exapmle, in software development MDA approach exist, where are 3 kinds of models with different level of abstraction. Are some analogs exists for software configuration management?
Achieving Enterprise Release Harmony An enterprise release consists of individual releases, some independent and some dependent. If we think of an enterprise release as a song, then the individual releases can be thought of as the musical notes that make up the song. This article discusses problems associated with an enterprise release and ways in which these problems can be overcome, resulting in release harmony.
How best to determine ratio of Build / Deploy engineers. How have others solved the resourcing justification for Build / Release engineers? Based on number of supported developers? number of tools? number of deployments? are there base line ratios or other industry standards based on specific products or supported platforms?
How do i choose Bitbucket or Git if source code is not public for an organisation? I have no clue on bitbucket but read it supports Git. Trying to understand how do we choose which VCS should a company use if code is not public & team size is 100+developers.
Bitbucket or Git on linux based system?Dont wish to explore the paid version to start with.
Any thoughts please share.
Getting Started Scaling DevOps DevOps is a set of principles and practices that are effectively used to improve communication and collaboration between development and operations. But how exactly does one implement DevOps, and, more importantly, how do we scale DevOps to meet the needs of a larger enterprise application development? This article will help you get started with scaling DevOps.
Evolutionary Change Management Change management is a dynamic process that has to evolve with the changing needs of the business, organizational size, and project outcomes. This article addresses some challenges with change management and some tactics that can be used for choosing the right strategies for overcoming these challenges. The key is to stress the importance of keeping change management scalable and lean at every stage of the organizational improvement process.